Saturday, March 1, 2025

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran,
a loving family man, and a hard working farmer.
Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather.

This was a typical afternoon break on the farm.
We women prepared sandwiches, coffee,
and home baked cookies to bring out to the field.
This was usually about 4 o’clock, we called it lunch.
On the farm, we ate dinner (largest meal of the day) at 12 noon.
Then this afternoon lunch.
Supper was a late evening meal, something lighter,
often prepared quickly when we heard
the farm machinery returning from the fields.

This was my Daddy on their Honeymoon Trip in 1946.
He “cleans up nice”, don’t you think?

It’s been 37 years since we said goodbye.
He died on February 29th, 1988.
Yes, on leap day.

I still miss him.
Give a special someone a hug today.

Take care,

Friday, February 21, 2025

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day.
Isn’t that every day?!

I love how they keep me company during
my early morning routine.

I love how they keep track of the critters in our back yard.
Here they are on Squirrel Watch.

Do you see the little bunny scrounging for food in the snow?

I love how their shenanigans make me smile.
Gracie says, “Help Me”

I love how they support me and my hobbies…

…and how they appreciate a spot of warm sunshine.

I love how the sisters love each other,
napping next to each other on the bed, every afternoon.

A Furry Friend is a Faithful Friend.
Your Pet makes your House, a Home.

Take care,

Monday, February 10, 2025

It’s Valentine’s Week ~Holiday Decor ~Morning Routine ~Chocolate ~Etsy ~and Love

February is the Month of Love.
The month for us to celebrate the love of our Family and Friends.
In February we also focus on Heart Health, Cancer Prevention, 
Eating Disorders, and Teen Dating Violence Awareness.

My morning routine starts with coffee,
after the cats have had their breakfast, of course.

I exchange messages with family and close friends,
then an inspirational reading before I start physical therapy.

It’s just the two of us living here, retired empty nesters.
However, I still enjoy holiday decorations… 
like my centerpiece tower that features Valentine chocolates.

Beautiful Crystal Heart Shaped Candy dishes for
 our foil-wrapped Dove Dark Chocolates.

What’s your favorite kind of M&M?
For us? It is definitely the Peanut Butter M&Ms.
They’re not easy to find, so if I see them when shopping,
I purchase another bag.

My handmade Dollie has a special spot on our kitchen shelf.

We have a sweet little Dollie in our family, too.
This photo was in my Facebook Memories,
from two years ago.

These Wooden Hearts have been best sellers in my
Tins and Treasures Etsy Shop.
They are a sweet collaboration between
Hubby in his Wood Shop and me on my Work Table.

It’s too late for shipping by Friday, but if you are a local friend,
we can make arrangements if you’d like to purchase one for a gift.
It’s great for Valentines Day, however I keep mine on display all year.

Celebrate February, the Month of Love,
with the people that you love.

Take care,

Monday, February 3, 2025

Happy Birthday to Amy

Today we celebrate our firstborn daughter,
a wonderful wife and mother,
a loving and thoughtful daughter and sister,
and a good friend to many.

We are proud of you
and the beautiful life you have built.

Wishing you Joy on this Special Day!

Take care,

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Welcome February ~What Happened to January?

January 2025 is now a memory.
It sure went fast, didn’t it?!

I treasure these January photos of our grandchildren.
This year, they enjoyed an unusual Snow Day
at home from school.

Was Santa good to you this year?
Here is my belated report.
You remember that our family generously gifted us with tickets
to a show in Branson. Santa still made his way into the
house with these thoughtful surprises.

My family and friends, they spoil me.
Thank you!

The Santa Spirit is working overtime,
as I received these tasty treats from friends just this week.
Thank you.

If you made New Years Resolutions/Intentions/Goals,
How is that going for you?
Studies show that 88% of adults abandon their resolutions
by the end of January. So, if you are sticking to your new habits…

My word for the Year 2025 is “Balance”
I have accepted the fact that perfect balance is not possible every single day…
But I think it all evens out by the end of the week!

I like this list that recently came across my Newsfeed.
Most of these are a part of my every day.

“Learn or do something new”
That’s a good goal!
I need to work on that one.

Take care,

Sunday, January 26, 2025

What a Wonderful Weekend ~Celebrating a Big Birthday with Special Friends

What a privilege to spend our weekend celebrating with friends.
Birthday Wishes to Kari, our good friend…a sister, a wife,
 a mother, and a grandmother.

The four of us were pleased to travel together 
and be a part of their Celebration.
A road trip is always more fun with friends.
We got there hang out…out of sight...
to wait and watch for the Birthday Girl.

Kari was surrounded by family, including sister and brother-in-law,
her husband, both daughters, their granddaughter,
 us old friends, and some new friends.

Best restaurant in Valley City, Sabir’s.
I ordered the Broiled Walleye and Steamed Green Beans.
I feel healthy, just looking at this meal.

Then, the Birthday Girl was presented
with this slice of Chocolate Cake.
Sooo decadent,
and enough to share around the table.

google photo
The Historic President’s Mansion on campus,
is now a Guest Inn for Alumni and Visitors to Campus.
Our friend Alan, or I should say President LaFave
reserved the residence for us to stay overnight.

The parlor was a charming setting for us to enjoy a nightcap
and quiet conversation at the end of our evening.

There are six bedrooms in the House,
each one oozing with vintage charm. This one was my choice.

In the morning, we enjoyed a leisurely coffee,
siting just off the main dining room…

…with a view of the cozy fireplace.

Then, a Sunday Brunch…
We all gathered at the President’s family home.
We enjoyed Egg Bake, Bacon, Fresh Fruit,
and these Caramel Rolls 

There’s nothing better than time with family…

…and Sunday Football.

Thank you, Alan and Kari, for a Wonderful Weekend.
We are Blessed.

Take care,

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Did you Make New Year’s Resolutions? Or do you have New Year’s Intentions? ~I like to Choose a Word for the Year

We are now three weeks into 2025.

Do you have any New Years Resolutions?
If you are sticking to them, keep up the good work!
Studies show that 8% of folks last only a month.

Quitters Day was January 10th.
Several people abandon their resolutions by the second Friday in January.
So, don’t feel like you are alone
if your new habits are no longer a top priority.

New Year’s “Intentions” might be a better term for you?
Intentions are considered a way to create change by
focusing on the desired outcome and the journey to get there.
Intentions allow for flexibility and creativity.

I’ll confess. I’ve been a part of the 80% that has set goals when
turning the calendar to a new year,
and then not completely following through.

I like to choose a Word for the Year.
In 2022, it was “Organize”... My mother always said,
“There’s a place for everything, and everything in it’s place”

My Word for 2023 was “Gratitude”
This was the year after my accident, a reminder
 to be Thankful for all of Life’s Blessings, every single day.

Last year’s Word was “Joy”
Every day I look for something that brings Joy,
even in the ordinary everyday routine.

For 2025, my Word of the Year is “Balance”
To achieve Balance, consider at all the important domains in your life…
Physical & Emotional Needs
Self Care

Make time every day for the things you need to do,
Balanced with the things you want to do.

Balance in Life brings feelings of Joy,
Fulfillment, and Rejuvenation.
Let’s make 2025 our year to Focus on what Matters,
Be Thankful for our Blessings,
Practice Self Care,
and Look for the Joy.

Take care,

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...