Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Spending Time with Family ~Day One ~Shopping for Essentials ~Library Fun

It’s been a week since I said GoodBye to Lizzie and Hubby.

I left on the early flight.
I kinda wanted a coffee for my layover in Minneapolis…
but didn’t want to take time for this long line.
I guess everyone needed coffee!
My priority was to find my next gate.

The next leg of my journey was only a few hours,
And before long I had joined the busy family of four.

First thing the next morning, Jack was off to Preschool,
Daddy was off to work,
and Mama, Little Brother, and I were off to Costco.
There was a long line there, too.

After Lunch, Jack came home, and we all appreciated
some quiet time before heading to the library.

Books from the children’s room
are returned here in the frog’s mouth.

Brothers take turns.

This book was a favorite!

This book drop-off is such a clever idea.

A display in the library’s lobby caught my attention.

Volunteers donated hand knit or crocheted blue hats to 
Stand up to Bullying!
Remember my High School Knitting Club?
Pretty sure this is a project they would have gotten into.

Once in the Children’s Room, Henry went straight for the toys.

And Jack went straight for the books.
Henry trusts that Mama and Big Brother will
pick out books for him, too.

It is important to say Goodbye to the fish before leaving.
We still had plenty of Sunshine to play outside
before going to bed with a couple of good books!

Enjoy a book or two with your
favorite little person.

Take care

Friday, May 27, 2022

Where the Week Went ~Preparing for my Trip to Spend Time with Family


You all remember I hinted that
I get spend time with these two guys later this Spring.
Well, that time has come ♥️

So much of my week was spent preparing for the trip...

Along with spending time with good friends.
We enjoyed dinner at the Three22.

Thank you, Wendy, for sharing the Bruschetta Board with me.
Those were all tasty choices.

When checked luggage is limited to 50 pounds,
and there's a lot of other items to bring along, you must plan
your Mix & Match Wardrobe with much consideration.

Who else does this?
Start with the bottom, choose two+ tops to coordinate, 
right down to the assessories.

On my first trial, my suitcase weighed in at 31 pounds.
So naturally I added a couple more pieces.
After all, I need play clothes when I'm at home with our grandsons,
and some apparel for going out and about.

Amy suggested I  have a dress or two 
for going out to dinner...
Tried them on to get a second opinion 
from both of our daughters.

Our foreign exchange daughter, Nellie, was back in town
to be in a friend's wedding.
We went to The Three22 again, for lunch and to catch up.

The last meal I prepared at home was one of Hubby's favorites.

I left the house in the dark the next morning,
so I missed the early sunshine on our patio.

After a two hour layover in Minneapolis, 
I found my next ride and was "Up, Up, and Away" again.

Stop back often, as I'll have much to Show & Tell...
starting with this very big and very beautiful bush
that is growing in their backyard.

We are Blessed.
Take care, 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday Blessings ~Looking for the Blog Worthy in Everyday Life ~Friends, Flowers, Fun and More

Ten days have passed since I last posted here.
Whenever that happens, I look back
at my recent photos to see where the time went.

This one stood out as a highlight…
We gathered with good friends for Tacos, 
Craft Beers, and Shuffleboard.

We were at one of our only Breweries, they also offer
Locally Roasted Coffee Beans in their Gift Shop.
It was a Win/Win for me!

Another win…
A Turtle Sundae for my Mothers Day lunch.

At this famous Hometown Landmark.

Sunshine on our Patio.

And a bright spot in our kitchen with fresh cut flowers.

Hubby and his sister prepared our meal on Mothers Day.
Grilled Salmon is one of my favorite meals.

Along with our first Corn on the Cob of the Summer.

Asian Salad was a tasty side dish.

It’s the little things that make me smile.

While this situation is never funny, however we had a little chuckle about it later…
We had stopped at a local establishment for Burgers and a Basket of Tots.
Everyone’s phones started sounding off 
with the Emergency Alert Siren…and No..One..Moved 😳
Like, should we go to the basement?

A few days later, more Severe Thunderstorms in our area.
Sadly, there was much devastating destruction to the south and east of us.
Two women lost their lives, both while in their vehicles.
Sending prayers to their families.

I like to keep my current project in a basket,
so I can easily move it from the Sewing Studio to my Work Counter.

What’s happening in the back yard?
Those are not flags for games out on the lawn.
Huge equipment and some digging instead.

Here is what’s Happening out in Hubby’s Woodshop.

I love the early morning sunshine on our Patio.
Have a Beautiful Sunday, everyone.

Take care,

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Things in my House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile ~The Teddy Bear Tour

I have a soft spot in my heart for Teddy Bears…

…and it all started with this old guy.
Pretty sure he is older than I am.

I first met him when we’d stop to visit my Mother’s friend, Helen Metz.
They became friends while teaching in a Little Country School, in York, ND.
Helen lived with her mother, Cora, in Maza, ND, population at the last census was 5. 
I loved stopping at their house. Their home was so very interesting. 

As a young woman, Helen had gone on to teach at Missionaries 
in Guatemala, Honduras, and Puebla, Mexico.

Plus it seemed like Cora had always just taken
cookies or cake out of the oven. 😋
Sweet Memories.

Helen Metz

Back to my Teddy Bear Tour.
This girl came home with me from Target.
She comes out of storage every March along other Spring Decor.

This soft Teddy occupies the chair that my Hubby’s
Grandfather constructed. Grandpa Tom was a carpenter.
The Family Pillow is something I created a few years ago.

On to my Sewing Studio. Hubby knows about my love for Teddy Bears.
He brought his sweet bear home when returning from one of his work trips.
She has Angel Wings.

Remember during the Pandemic when folks
displayed Bears in a window for families to look for 
when they went for a walk…Goin’ on a Bear Hunt

I had this Angel Bear perched on the sill to watch
over the sidewalk in front of our house.

Bear in a Basket.

Bear on a Stack of
Vintage Wool Squares and Books.

This soft bear has a spot of honor on our bed. 

And this bear look so handsome in his turtleneck sweater.
He was also a gift from my Hubby.

This is the only Beanie Baby Bear in my Collection.

Sadly, I don’t know the backstory on this Handsome Guy.
Maybe he belonged to one of our daughters and they can enlighten me?

This is my only Working Bear.

Do you all have a chair in your closet to collect clothing?
This is a Vintage Chair from our old Family Farmhouse.
This hard working bear patiently helps me out
when I’m deciding what I’m in the mood to wear.

Then when his lap is overflowing,
it’s time to hang up my clothes.

Here’s one of the most famous Bears of all…
Winnie the Pooh.
He always gives the best advice.

Tell me about some of your collections
that make you smile.

Take care,

Labor Day ~Unofficial End to Summer ~Hello College Football ~Road Trip ~The Cats ~What’s on the Worktable

Where did the Summer go? We kicked off Labor Day Weekend with the start of College Football Season. We watched our Bison from home. Hubby pr...