Sunday, February 26, 2023

Since We’ve Been Home ~Here’s a Highlight ~Pizza and Beer Pairing Event ~ Good Friends are Priceless


We’ve been home for a couple of weeks and have returned
to our routine of everyday house chores,
Sanford appointments, and creative projects.

We’ve had time for Fun with Friends, too.

Remember the Pizza and Beer Pairing Event?
Remember when I was wearing that huge neck brace?
This was in October…
And now, it was time for another pairing.
Here’s my report.

Course One ~ The Appetizer
Taco Dip Pizza and an Alpha Lager.
Very savory taco/pizza toppings served with the fresh light lager.
This was perhaps our favorite.

Course Two ~ First Entree
Pop in Tot Pizza with Plum Crazy Tripper Beer
This is a pizza you get when crossing
a Jalapeño Popper with Loaded Tator Tots.
And the fruity sour beer provided
a contrasting flavor.

Course Three ~ Another Entree
Cheesy Chicken Fajita Pizza with the Buck Shot.
This creation was a tasty blend of taco sauce,
sautéed peppers and onions, and spicy chicken.
The Buck Shot, a Black IPA with a coffee flavor.
I would have preferred this beverage with our dessert.

Course Four ~ The Dessert
Strawberry Cheesecake Pizza paired with The Homewrecker.
We finished our meal with a Cinnamon Sugar Crust,
Cheesecake filling, and Strawberry Purée.
The one-of-a-kind pour was a cask-aged barley wine.

All of this was the brain-storm of these two men.
The owner and brewmaster of One-Legged Pheasant Brewery,
and the owner and creative chef of Jimmy’s Pizza.

Do you think our husbands had any fun?

Actually, a good time was had by
everyone in attendance.

Take care,

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~View from my Window ~Snow Day Projects ~In the Sewing Studio ~In the Kitchen ~Destash Continues ~Who Wants Princess House Crystal for Free

How did you all spend your Snow Day?
This is the view from my Sewing Studio Window.
I hope you also have chores, projects,
and hobbies that you can enjoy indoors.

I’m dreaming about Spring and Warmer Weather.
I am in the mood to create some colorful fabric Birdies.
They are all cut, pressed, and ready for hand stitching.

Did anyone else have the urge to bake?
Winter Weather might do that.
Today, I tried a new recipe, Brownie Cookies.

These will cure a Chocolate Craving, for sure…
Chocolate Chips and Cocoa.

Since I have been getting some of my strength back,
I am able to continue with my destash project,
going through boxes in my storage room.

A box full of Princess House Crystal…
I’m re-homing this for a friend,
and they are FREE to anyone that will use them.
(please message me to arrange for pick-up)

This Blizzard is not over.
It is still snowing…It is still blowing.
It is still extremely cold.

Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Warm.

Take care,

Monday, February 20, 2023

Saying Goodbye ~Since We’ve Been Home ~Today is National Love your Pet Day

It’s been three weeks since that morning we waved goodbye
to these guys, as they left for preschool.

The flight home was smooth.
We had a four and a half hour layover in Minneapolis.
Thank goodness that the Airport is also a Shopping Mall.

Our first day home, I spent some time here,
my home away from home.
After traveling, I certainly appreciated 
my Sanford Physical Therapist more than ever.

Our first priority was to pick up Lizzie.
Remember I mentioned that Great-Grandma spoils her…
Here is the chair where she can sit in the sun
and keep watch over the neighborhood.

Once home, she didn’t forget about her perch in my Sewing Studio
to resume watch over our neighborhood.

She got right back to her role of Physical Therapy Support Cat,
sitting beside me as I do my stretches and exercises.

Here’s Lizzie in her position of Helper Cat, as Hubby
replaced that old nasty floor in the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
There’s always House Chores and Projects, aren’t there?!

While feels good to be home and back into our familiar everyday routine,
we miss our family, especially those grandchildren.

Thank goodness for FaceTime.

Take care,

Friday, February 17, 2023

Visiting Family ~Here’s How We Spent the Rest of our Week Together ~Time with Family is Priceless

This Papa and Gigi treasure the time we spent with both daughters,
their husbands, and our three grandchildren, all under one roof.
On our last morning there, we hugged our grandsons
and said goodbye as they left for preschool.

We also enjoyed the bedtime hugs.
Since we were unable to be together for Christmas,
these cousins wore their matching pajamas on our last night together.

Family had traveled from four different states to celebrate.
Amy and Nick hosted the entire group in their home
on a couple of the evenings…

…Which required much planning and preparing.
I was happy to tag along to run errands.
I drove the shopping cart and
followed her around the supermarket.
Do you see Amy?

There were assignments for everyone in the kitchen.
A Taco Bar was the perfect menu, as it appeals to all ages,
and everyone could assemble their own, with what they prefer.
Ground Beef, Shredded Chicken, Black Beans,
Cilantro Lime Rice, Cheese, Guacamole,
Greek Yogurt, Salsa, and more.

We all did our fair share
of going out and about to eat, too.

This place was a highlight…The Treehouse Brewery.
It is beautiful and spacious.

They make the best Wood Fired Pizzas,
Along with their huge choice of beverages.

The cousins had so much fun playing…

…and they were all exhausted,
so rested on the way home.

I’ve said it here before, my favorite thing to do is to
visit our adult children in their homes, 
to just be a part of their everyday routine.


Bath Time

Meal Time

Screen Time

Even Kitchen Clean Up Time

Now, the house is quiet.

We are all home and have returned to
our own everyday routine.

We’ve all said goodbye to that beautiful home.

We are Blessed.

Take care,

We look forward to the next time we can
all be together again.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Visiting Family ~The Main Event ~Celebrating Twenty Years of Military Service ~So Very Proud

The entire family traveled to Massachusetts
as our Son-in-Law was retiring from the Air Force.
He served our country for 20 years.

We all have been looking forward
to this day for months.

Normally, an on-base briefing is only for the pilots,
however Nick had de-classified this briefing
so his family members could attend.
And it was no surprise that he started precisely on time…
Right down to the second.

The PowerPoint was designed similar to the agenda they follow,
except the slides were full of information about Nick’s career,
 along with many humorous comments.

A serious part of the briefing was directed at the five other
fighter pilots participating in the Fini Flight.

The “Fini Flight” is an Air Force tradition marking
a pilot’s departure from a unit, the last time they fly their aircraft.

We were escorted out to the flight line to watch the
six fighter jets take off. What a rush, as they each passed
in front of us and then ascended  straight up into the air.

It was a beautiful day with clear skies and warm sunshine…
perfect weather to be outside for this experience.

We were issued earplugs and
the children wore noise canceling headsets.

The jets were in the air 90 minutes as they executed a typical training mission.
Meanwhile we all toured the base getting a closeup look
at a fighter jet and all the equipment that a pilot wears.
Their technology is amazing.

Upon their return, we were escorted back out to the flight line
and watched a private and impressive airshow.

The first five planes were parked in place before
the Retiree landed his jet for the last time.

Notice his name on the Aircraft and the American Flag.
This is a morning we will never forget.

Another part of the Fini Flight Tradition is when the pilot climbs down from his plane,
he is welcomed by a large group of people, some with a fire hose to spray him with water…
and, of course, his wife sprayed him with a little champagne.

Jack was quite excited about this part of the plan.

It is also a retirement for the spouse.
The moment Amy said “I Do” she assumed her role
as a wife of a Serviceman…
Living on the other side of the globe,
 moving every four years, maintaining their home,
and caring for their children during deployments.

As the wife of the Director of Operations, she was given a binder
that outlined her duties and responsibilities to the Squadron.
Amy was also honored at the closing ceremony.

The Squadron Wives are a close-knit group of Women that
 support each other every step of the way.
She will surely miss these girlfriends.

Nick and Amy’s whole family was there
to celebrate their time in thenAir Force and Air National Guard.

Words cannot express the pride that each of us felt that day.

Here’s to an amazing career and to
two decades of impressive accomplishments.

As you say goodbye to your fighter jet and the life as a Serviceman,
we all look forward to the next chapter of your life.

Take care,

Fall Foliage Trip ~The Way Home ~Lunch Break ~Sunset ~Niagara Falls

This was July 2012, the Summer our daughter moved to Boston. We didn’t have a lot of time, nor our passports,  but we made a quick stop at N...