Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Retail Therapy

Mom spent her first night in the Odd Fellows Home.
I think she will grow to like her room.
They each have an assigned seat in the dining room.
Their meals are served family style.
When she went to dinner at 5:30,
I found myself downtown.
There are some sweet little shops...
Just right for browsing.
I didn't even feel like I needed to buy anything.
I just wanted to look...and forget about the work to do at mom's apartment.

There, don't you feel better already?!

Take care,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Weekend Support Crew

We have gathered mom's necessary items...
We have gathered her most precious items...

My support crew arrived on Friday night.
I could not have moved mom without them.
Well, I'm taking it all back!
It has been a lifesaver a couple of times this year.
And Emily met us here too.
She is much stronger than I and could help her dad with all the heavy furniture.
She also tackled her Grammy's kitchen cabinets.

Hubby brought his mom to visit my mom.
They have been good friends for 30 years.
We have spent many holidays,
and celebrated many family events all together.
They spent the day sorting through mom's desk and nightstand.
Here we catch them taking a little break...
looking at photo albums of our wedding day,
and of the precious granddaughters that they share.

Emily had made a Million Dollar Pie for me,
so we could celebrate my birthday together.
After the daily rainstorm,
Hubby and his mom were on their way home.

I have the best support crew...ever...

Take care,

Friday, June 25, 2010

My Personal Random Number Generator

My Birthday Give-Away...
Thank you to all my dear blog friends for leaving
such sweet Birthday Wishes.

There were 52 comments, and I'd love to send something to each and everyone of you...
...however, I have only one box of goodies, so must choose one winner.

Since my internet time is quite limited here,
I asked my mom to pick a number between 1 and 52,
and to write it on a slip of paper.

She chose number 49...
Then she laughed.  "I don't know why I wrote 49"...
...but, she held firm with that choice!

So...comment number 49 was left by
I will contact her and ask for her 'snail mail' address.

Thanks again, to everyone, 
for all your kind words of support.
Take care,

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Where Bloggers Create is a wonderful blog event...
an opportunity to see so many creative spaces. 
I have several more artists to visit, and I may be busy all summer!
If you are here to see my studio,
just scroll down one post.
Meanwhile, I am back at mom's. 
We continue to go through her drawers, cabinets and closets.
I am thankful that she is here with me to share the history
and personal stories that accompany each and every piece.
Many she has cherished for over 70 years.
Many are items that I remember from my own childhood.
Who am I to decide what stays and what goes?
It has been tough for her, but we have made some good progress.
Hopefully, I will soon have pictures of her in her new home.

Take care,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Where Bloggers Create II ~ It's Party Time

My Crafting "Studio"...
It doubles as our guest room.
This is the brass bed that has been in our family for years.
A cozy little spot to curl up with a good book...
Maybe, a Vintage Cookbook?
And, did you notice the hand tatting on the wall behind the dresser?
My mom had that made especially for me 
on my birthday several years ago.
My desk...
Would you like a closer look?
My sweet business card holder...
a birthday gift from my mother-in-law.
The crochet 'catch all'...
a wedding gift, 29 years ago.
My first counted cross stitch...
created in the 70's.
Who new that 30 years later that her name would be Callie,
and she would be such a faithful friend.
Yes, there's the trusty postal scale.
Baskets of supplies,
covered with Vintage linens.
My photo printer,
and sweet calicos...
providing inspiration for my next project.
That's my dad and I...50 years ago.
Happy Father's Day.
I miss you.
More baskets,
More Vintage books.
Serger Thread,
Important files.
These drawers contain buttons and other fasteners.
Would you like to see the rest of my buttons?

My sewing table is actually my Grandma's old treadle machine.
It is one of my favorite treasures.
I need to finish Dolly's clothes...
She is so modest.
And this mess?
I'll admit, I didn't have time to get everything organized.
Maybe in July...
I would like to thank
for organizing this fabulous party.

You'll want to visit her blog to find links
to nearly 500 artists
taking us into their creative spaces.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Take care,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Whatcha Working On Wednesday?

Finally, we woke up to Sunshine.
A perfect opportunity to take pics of my giveaway items...
A vintage cookbook, pearl necklace and purse size journal.
Some note cards, sticky notes and gift tags.
A handpainted earthenware spoon rest...
Desert Rose.
All items ready and waiting to be shipped to their new home.
Scroll down and sign up below.

And what am I doing today?

Well...she has been here and gone...
(Does anyone need any hangers?!)

I washed all the linens and with the company of
I have everything pressed.

Does anyone else have a cat or dog that is just there for you,
no matter what you are working on?

I am inspired by Eileen of Star's Fault.  She recently shared pictures of her "Art Nest".  She has pieces of furniture stacked in her Studio.  What a wonderful idea.  I am going to try it.  Be sure to read the stories of her precious kitties, too.

The room is vacant...ready for immediate occupancy.

My Mom and Dad were married on this date in 1946.
Check out their sweet wedding photo.

I hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday.
Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...