Friday, May 31, 2019

Family Time in Okinawa ~Grand Finale Weekend, cont. ~Waking up on Okuma Beach

“The Early Bird Gets the Worm.”
We were up and out in our pajamas,
enjoying the view shortly after sunrise.

We took in more of that beautiful view 
as we walked to the restaurant for breakfast.

Patiently waiting for our Silver Dollar Pancakes.

The highlight of our morning 
was a tour on a glass bottom boat. 
We saw colorful fish and the coral reef just off the shore.

I think I was perhaps the most excited!

Once again, Jack was so relaxed 
that he fell asleep on the boat.

Jack was sleeping so soundly that his parents 
carried him all the way back to our beach house.

While Jack continued his nap in the bed,
Amy and I took advantage of that glorious beach 
just one more time.

One can’t go to the beach 
without taking a photo of their toes, right?

Amy enjoyed another dip in the water
We had the beach to ourselves...
I guess what they say about the early bird is true.

I don’t know how they did it,
but Jack’s parents transferred him from the boat, 
to the bed, to the car, without waking him up.

It was a quiet ride home.

We are blessed.
Take care,

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Family Time in Okinawa ~Grand Finale Weekend, continued ~Okuma Beach

Yay! We’re all going to Okuma Beach...
It was a short drive from Cape Hedo.

Jack’s mama booked a reservation for us
to stay in a beach house with this view from the porch.

So, we were staying in the Turtle’s Nest.

While Jack’s parents were setting up his Pack ‘n Play 
and getting him settled, I walked out on the beach.

It wasn’t long before they came out to join me.
We toasted to the sun, sand, and family 
with a little Rose.

Amy and Jack went out into the water.

I stayed on the beach to enjoy the view...
and to reflect on how lucky I am 
to be here in this beautiful place with our family.

This was our little nest on the beach.
Amy had thought of everything.

This is a great place for families to spend a weekend.

We walked over to the restaurant for some dinner...

Jack loves the Napoli’s wood roasted pizza.
Their pizza oven is outside on the beach.

It was simply delicious.

After dinner, we sat on the porch to watch the sunset.

This Nana’s heart is full.

We are blessed.
Take care,

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Family Time in Okinawa ~Grand Finale Weekend ~Road Trip to Cape Hedo

So happy to share that Jack’s daddy came home 
a few days earlier than expected.

Amy planned an overnight family excursion...
First stop was Cape Hedo...The views were spectacular.

Cape Hedo is the northernmost point on Okinawa Island. 
It faces the Pacific Ocean on the East and 
the South China Sea on the West.

We ate a picnic lunch in this shelter.
Then applied some sunscreen before exploring the site.

This monument was erected to commemorate 
the end of US Occupation and 
the return of Okinawa to Japanese Sovereignty in 1972.

While most folks are there for the beautiful scenery...
Jack is more interested in flirting with the other young tourists.

This monument is a symbol of 
friendship between the villages.

It was a beautiful place to stop for lunch and to walk around.
Next stop...Okuma Beach.

Stay tuned.
We are blessed.

Take care,

Monday, May 27, 2019

Family Time in Okinawa ~Fun in the Sun ~Hanging out in the Neighborhood

When it is hot outside, 
there’s nothing better than playing in Jack’s splash pad.
High Five to Mama for setting this up!

The water is cool and refreshing.

Remember Sophie who lives in the cul-de-sac?
Her mommy said she could come over to play with Jack.

Later, after they changed into dry clothes, 
Sophie came back to show Jack that her bubble blower works again.

The bubble blower plays music 
while the flower dances and blows bubbles.
It is seriously the cutest thing for some summer fun!

Sophie showed Jack how it works...

...and even taught him how to push the button.

Another thing...Sophie is quite the fashionista.
Earlier in the week we learned that pink is her favorite color.
Today she showed us how her skirt is attached to her top.
I think Jack is impressed.

Sophie and Jack are good playmates.
We are blessed.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...