Monday, July 14, 2008

Angels for Etsy Shoppe

My shop on Etsy has now been open for four days now. The first listing seemed to take meforever, as I had to set up everything else too...It is getting easier and faster. (None if it was difficult, if you're thinking of starting your own shop!) These angels are ready for listing today.

Backyard BBQ
Yesterday we attended a lovely backyard BBQ. There were plenty of burgers and brats, and we each brought a dish to pass. This summer I have been testing different dressings for pasta salad. This one is our favorite so far.

Vinaigrette for Pasta Salad
1 cup salad oil
2/3 cup vinegar
2 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. snipped fresh thyme
2 tbsp. snipped fresh basil
2 tbsp. snipped fresh oregano
1 tsp. paprika
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 tsp. pepper
Whisk together. Pour over cooked pasta and vegetables.

I cook whatever pasta shape I have on hand. This time it was elbows. I add whatever vegetabes that I have on hand...broccoli, radishes, cucumber, carrots, celery, onion, green pepper, black eye peas, olives, grape tomatoes, etc. I also add shredded fresh parmesan cheese. Salt to taste.

1 comment:

Melody said...

I love pasta!!! I'm going to try this recipe. Thanks!!!

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...