Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa...Is that You?

Did I just say...just the other day...'Nooo, our cats don't climb the tree anymore...they have gotten too old, too big, and too lazy...
I guess I lied...I guess, since I'm not here during the day, I don't really know what's going on...but I was sitting on the couch, writing on our Christmas cards when I heard this rustling sound behind me...What is that? Santa?
Oh,'s just a cat in my tree...

There, now..Isn't this better? Under the tree...what's that...they are both under the tree...together. These two do not do anything together, unless it's fighting. This is the 2nd time we've caught them there...together. 'Tis the season to appreciate your friends...


simple~needs said...

thats hilariois!! we have cats and i think everyone of them has taken a turn at getting in the tree . :) my tree is on a stand that turns continuously. they like getting up there and going for a "ride". lol

pam said...

We are hoping for the best with our new kitty this year! We bought a smaller tree, in the hopes that it's less attractive to her! All of our cats have always loved to lay under the tree.

jodi said...

Our cats love the tree also. Sport loves the miniature village. Snakes his fat body around the houses.

did you get snow with the wind last night?

Kit said...

Hi, Found your blog while browsing through others and love the cats in the tree. We too have a story very simular, only my daughters cat and dog took her tree down some years ago while chasing each other. Great blog. Come visit me at Have a Merry Christmas!

Stela said...

hahahaha! How funny!!
This year it seems I've seen so many cats in Christmas trees in the blogs! I love it!! And I love that those two always fight but the Christmas tree brings them together for the holidays :) hehe!

Betty said...

What pretty cats you have, Natalie! Our Linus also had a heyday the night we put up the tree! Hope you enjoyed the snow day.

MSM said...

I missed this post - you know I think it is too funny!

At least they didn't make off with all the ornaments. : )

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Today we celebrate our firstborn daughter, a wonderful wife and mother, a loving and thoughtful daughter and sister, and a good friend to ma...