Saturday, February 7, 2009

Going Out on Friday Nite

College daughter 2 is home for the weekend to attend the wedding of one of her classmates. She accompanied us to Hubby's office holiday party, so dinner was his treat last night...a catered meal of chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn and pumpkin bars with yummy cream cheese frosting...
It was Casino Night. We each got tickets to play. Our favorite game was the Wheel Spin. See the gentleman to the left speaking to my hubby? To me, he says, 'You still teaching? Remember me? You were my Home Ec teacher when I was in Junior High.' He didn't look like that in the 8th grade! He has a daughter in High School, so I'm sure I'll meet her someday soon!

The Wheel Spin game was a favorite of ours. We each won $5.00!
Thanks, honey,
We had lots of fun!!


•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

What a beautiful daughter ya have :) Looks like a lot of fun time!

have a wonderful weekend!

M said...

Looks like a fun night! fact, more fun than mine last night!

I had a "man" come up to me and ask, "Are you Ms. R?" And then proceeded with, "You were my 2nd grade teacher!" Well of course he looked different...he's 26...but once he told me his name I remembered him...and I spewed out a bunch of stuff I remembered about him and he couldn't believe it. Too bad I work in a different district or I would be teaching the 2nd generation now.

Carol said...

Yay! Sounds like a fun night!!

Renna said...

How fun that your daughter was home to attend the party with you guys. Your menu description has my mouth watering! ;-Þ

simple~needs said...

sounds like so much fun!!
i ran into a few kids that i babysit. they are now running their own businesses. i feel old. lol
my dad is doing good so far. thanks so much for asking,

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