Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stitching & Stewing on Superbowl Sunday

Yes, We're Ready for Some Football...
As far as Stitching on Sunday, I have a knitting project ready to take with 35 needles with 4 strands of yarn...spring colors...
As far as Stewing on Sunday, my food assignment was to bring the Beans. I am using my Aunty Vivian's Texas Beans Recipe.
Texas Beans
1 lg. can Bush Baked Beans
1 can Baby Butter Beans
1 can Green Lima Beans
1 can Red Beans
1 can Dark Red KidneyBeans, drained
Saute 1/2 lb. bacon, pour off the fat.
Saute 1 lb. ground beef.
Chop 1 lg. onion.
3/4 cup catsup
1 tbsp. mustard
3 tbsp. molasses
Combine beans, including juice with all other ingredients . Bake at 350, uncovered.

My hubby is stewing today also...he is brewing another batch of beer. This recipe is a Liberty Cream Ale.


Anonymous said...

I love that recipe! It always goes over very well! I want to say mine is called Calico Beans....doesn't matter same ingredients and yummo!

I never did learn to knit!

pam said...

Those are huge needles!

Sharon said...

mmm that's a good lookin' pot of beans :)

simple~needs said...

the beans look yummy!!!
um, can we sample the ale too?? :)
love those knitting needles. knitting is one thing i could not get the hang of ....

Lisa Boyer said...

Oooooooh! Looks delish! The knitting and the soup...and ESPECIALLY the beer!!!!! Hope your team won....

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Yum, your bean dish looks wonderful...
I have never ever seen knitting needles that big ;)

have a great day!

Michelle said... friend makes those beans! She calls them Calico Beans. They are yummy!

Carol said...

What are you making with those big needle?

M said...

I love beans...and I will have to make this recipe! As for knitting, great job! That is something I never learned to do.

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

oh, that recipe sounds so good. Might have to try that.

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