Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ten Things I Do Every Day

About 2 weeks ago, my blog friend Renna, posted the 10 things she does everyday. Since then, I've wondered if there are 10 things that I do every here goes...
# 1 Pray. Like, Renna, these are little conversations with God all throughout my day. When I am driving to school, preparing for my classes, preparing a meal, etc. This is my favorite inspirational book. It has a daily Bible Study Passage, and Real Life Lesson, along with a Prayer.
# 2 Make Coffee. And have I mentioned that I collect mugs?
Here a just a few. And, there is usually a conscious thought that goes into the mug I choose for the day...the current holiday, my activity, or my mood of the day... Perhaps a little OCD?
#3 Feed & Water the Kitties. And it looks like I should add Sweep Litter Dust from Laundry Room Floor to my daily tasks.
#4 Apply Mascara. While I could skip all other forms of make-up, and I could wear my pajamas all day, I always put on just a little mascara. My lashes are so short, and light, that I like a little mascara, just so my eyes are more noticeable. After all, they are the expressive part of one's face.
#5 Go to the Grocery Store. Since I teach Foods Classes, I go to the store nearly everyday before school to get supplies. And I often stop after school to purchase fresh meat or vegetables for dinner. Since many times I am there twice a day, I figure this makes up for the occasional day that I do not go at all! No, the grocery store is not a chore for me...I actually like the atmosphere there. When my best friend and I were working on our Master's Degree, we had to move to Brookings a week at a time for classes. We stayed in the dorm, and our evening outing was a walk, and a stop at the SuperMarket, just to look around (and buy candy!)
#6 Go Online. I check my Email (3 accounts) for messages from family, friends and co-workers. I check my blog for comments, I check my Etsy store for convos, views, and maybe even sales, and I take attendance and post grades at school.
#7 Eat a Banana...if they're not too brown.
#8 Check my Planner. My purse planner was always the family's master schedule. I kept track of everyone's activities here to make sure we could manage the overlaps. Work trips, church functions, band gigs, dance, swimming, peer ministry, teen court, SADD, cross country, track, school activities, meetings, etc. Now, with an empty nest...the calendar looks pretty sparse!
#9. Be Creative. If you've peeked into my Etsy shop, you know that I am always busy creating something. I love to sew, embroider, knit, crochet, paint, and decoupage.
#10 Talk on the Phone. Last, but not least, one of my day's highlights is talking on the phone to my mom and both daughters. Some days I visit with all three of them, some days only 2 of the 3, so this may be 40 - 60 minutes of my day, but I wouldn't give this up for anything! And Callie thinks your news is electrifying!!


Blogs Links said...
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Unknown said...

Reading your ten things made me realize just how inconsistent and unpredictable I am....sadly!

pam said...

I'm so predictable, I probably do 20 things each and every day.

jodi said...

I also choose my cup with care in the morning. Am not sure why it matters but if the cup I want has already been used by someone it kind of bums me out.

Elizabeth said...

Thank you for sharing your 10-a-day list, enjoy knowing about your day... Callie's electrifying expression had me ROFL! I suggest you don't get much closer with that flash camera!!

Elizabeth said...

P.S. I'll have to think about my you, MAKING COFFEE is one of them for sure!! I think it's cool you choose a mug for the mind just won't think that clearly BEFORE the coffee :))

Renna said...

I loved reading your list, Natalie. It's like peeking in your window...but not in a weird way. ;-Þ

Suzanne said...

That last comment about Callie was hilarious as I looked at the photo! That must have been some news! ;o)

Carol said...

Loved your list!! Thanks for sharing it with us all.

MSM said...

I wanted to join this idea but couldn't come up with ten consistent things; love your list and I share more than a couple of your daily items.

(Eyeliner above all else instead of mascara).

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...