Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weekend Rummage Warriors

This was Rummage Sale Weekend in our community. Since Emily is moving into her first apartment, she needs just about everything. Our plan was to arise early and head out. We awoke to rain and 43 degrees. Donned in hooded sweatshirts, raincoats and with our coffee, we planned our route...two rummage sales just on our street.

Perhaps our best find was right next door...this awesome this awesome frame. Here are pics of the rest of our goodies. We spent about $25.00 between the two of us.

So here's the Rummage Sale Map...see all the red x's...those are all the stops we made!

Since my house is full...I don't need a thing...but I did find these crafting supplies...and I do need more of those.


BittersweetPunkin said...

Ooh! Wonderful goodies...good for you! I know what you mean, my house is full too so I've scaled back on my bargain hunting for awhile....I'm not into clutter and sometimes it seems like I have a lot of it!


Tolentreasures said...

Great goodies! How fun for both of you. I love to scour yard sales and flea markets with my daughters, it is one of our favorite activities.


Apple Tree Cottage said...

Oh what fun!!! Don't you just love the thrill of finding treasures while on your little hunts? You did well!!!


Laura Trevey said...

I LOVE rummage sales! How fun ~~

Have a great week!
xo Laura

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I love those sales, man did you find all sorts of goodies!! What a fun thing to do together!

Anonymous said...

Wish I lived close to you ! I love to go hunting . LOL ! I have been busy trying to figure out my shipping on my website . I am trying to open a new one . I contacted another friend who has the same hosting as me to see if she has time to help . Our son came home , he was here for 4 days . He left this morning for New York , to start a new life . OMG , of all the places , a huge city .

jodi said...

I love the Shakespeare picture and the smile that goes along with it!!

Carol said...

How fun!!!!! I was cracking up over your map. You guys did some major shopping!

Lori in South Dakota said...

you were out TREASURE HUNTING!! How fun!

pam said...

I love a good garage sale!

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