Friday, July 3, 2009

Getting to Know You

Line, our Norwegian daughter for a year, will be here in 4 weeks. While she is busy packing, we are busy here cleaning and planning.

Here's a little more about us. Hubby was born in this community and has lived here all his life. He has worked in retail and now for state government. He is a drummer in a jazz group and also for our church praise band. He enjoys golf and brewing his own beer.
I was born and raised in North Dakota. I came here to teach in have called this my home for over half my life. I enjoy cooking & entertaining, sewing & crafting.
Our oldest daughter is 24. She graduated from UNL with a degree in Nutrition Science and is currently going to graduate school in the Physician Assistant Program.
Our youngest daughter is 20 and a junior in college. She studies Exercise Science with the Pre-Physical Therapy option. Right now, their hobbies include reading textbooks and studying.

Blogland Awards

Because today's post is all about getting to know us, I'm thinking it is a good time to catch up & share the blog awards I have received recently (two of them just this week and two of them earlier this spring). I am posting them in a group because the award criteria is share personal and honest tidbits about yourself. Please be patient while I go back and forth to hook up the links.

The sisterhood award was passed along to me earlier this spring by Della and by Kelly Maria.

I was nominated for the Kreativ Blogger Award by Carol and Kim.

Just this week, the Honest Scrap Award from Ramblin Mama.

And today I have received this Lovely Blog Award from Planet Treasures.

I hope that lumping them all together does not minimize the meaning and intent of the each award. I do appreciate each one. It is a compliment to know that someone in blogland is stopping in here.

And now before this starts to sound like the Academy Awards...
Here is the personal trivia, the honest tidbits...

  • I am an only child
  • I grew up on a farm...and can drive the tractor
  • There were 10 people in my graduating class...5 boys, 5 girls
  • I was a cheerleader in High School
  • I was an overachiever in college...double major, double minor
  • My oldest daughter is now my sister (Kappa Delta)
  • My youngest daughter and I attend (attended) the same university...but 30 years apart.
  • I had a baby and a Mater's Degree at the same time (1989)
  • I like to get up early and wish I could stay awake later at night
  • I cannot keep a plant alive but love pretty flower gardens
  • I am 100% Norwegian, but the only thing I can say is 'Thanks for the meal'
  • I may have inherited the 'too pretty to use' syndrome from my mom...but I'm working on that
  • I drive an old car...but it's paid for
  • I'm hoping to be retired in 5 years...or less
  • I love to read other people's blogs.. I must pass these along...this is the hardest part...because some of you like to get thse awards...and some of you don't...and I don't really think there is any in-between...


Unknown said...

I enjoyed your post and pictures. And congrats on the awards! I am Norwegian, too. But with some German and Welsh thrown in. Enjoy your weekend!


dee begg said...


Congrats on the blog awards. Thanks for sharing the tidbits about you..probably only one I'll remember is that you're an only child like my dh is.


Carol said...

What a great post Natalie! I love the college connections you share with your daughters. Something special indeed. I can't wait to "meet" your upcoming house guest. What an adventure for you all!!!

Shauna said...

Great post and congrats on the awards! ♥ HUGS ♥

MSM said...

This will sound unbelievable, but there were 10 people in my graduating class also!!

Eager to meet your Norwegian daughter!

pam said...

I loved learning about you! We have alot in common.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Thank you so much for sharing your life with us, I enjoyed it so much!~!

National Love your Pet Day

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