Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The 'Nesting' Phase

We all know that right before a baby is born, the pregnant mother will experience the 'nesting phase'. This is a natural instinct to prepare the baby's room, the baby's bed, the baby's clothes, the baby's bathing equipment...
I think it is safe to say that the same 'nesting phase' occurs just prior to the arrival of a foreign exchange student. Our Norwegian daughter, Line, is 'due' here in 18 days. The kitchen was a huge project...everything has been taken out, cupboards have been sprayed and wiped, inside and out...
All of this domestic activity has been interfereing with Lucy's naptime...

Pretty sure it's been a while since I've cleaned behind our major appliances. There were 14 cat toys under the stove alone...


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

That's funny about the cat toys! After her nap I am sure she had fun with all her new toys.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Poor lucy! I find those cat toys in the craziest spots too.
Good luck with your nesting!

Farm Field Primitives said...

That sounds like what we found when we moved ours out to clean. They were wedged so far back we couldn't see them even though Gabby was persistent in lying on the floor staring under it. We kept telling her we didn't see anything. Oops!! Good luck with the rest of your nesting.

Carol said...

Sounds like you've been a busy lady! Isn't it amazing what we find under our appliances when we do major cleaning? LOL


Michelle said...

Fun fun!

Unknown said...

sweet lucy needs some cat eye balls from etsy.com
my Sally loves them. too big to get stuck under appliances but they do end up around the house under beds, sofa, then back in front of the door.

Kathy said...

Wow, maybe I should get an exchange student so I give my house a good cleaning!

The cat is so darn cute and I hear you about the toys. One minute there are 20 of them, the next minute none...and we always knew exactly where they were!

Unknown said...

I'm sure even though you are busy nesting in anticipation of your exchange student, it's exciting knowing you'll be welcoming her into your home for a year. It will be such a neat experience for all of you!


Lori in South Dakota said...

isn't it funny what all you find under your appliances?

pam said...

I find cat toys under all my furniture and behind things.

Carol said...

"Who me?" says shy kitty. LOL I'm so excited for you to house a foreign student! 18 days will be here in no time!!

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...