Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things in my House Thursday

A Kitty Cat Bunk Bed


Pat said...

What adorable babies...don't you just love 'em? Great photo.

Anonymous said...

I love me a kitty fix!!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

That is too cute!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is such a great shot!!!!
Looks like your cats are happy to have their picture taken too!

Kat S. said...

They look absolutely regal and content!

jodi said...

Very cute.

Carol said...

Hee hee. It's perfect. Why is it cats love to sleep on hard surfaces? I know it's not cause they have bad backs with all the places they can squeeze into!! LOL

Kathy said...

Oh how cute! We don't have any kitties right now and that makes me want to run out and get one. I saw a "free kittens" sign today.....

pam said...

I better not show this to my kitties, or they will want one too!

planettreasures said...

They are very cute.
Cats know how to make themselves at home.

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