Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Whatcha Workin on Wednesday?

Foreign Laundry~This morning I hope to finish our laundry. When exchange students come to the USA they are allowed only one suitcase...and since Line spent two weeks at Language & Culture Camp, I think everything needed to be washed. Emily started on Sunday when she did her own and I thought I could finish it up! How many ways are there to say Gentle Wash?

What I really want to know is can I put it in the dryer...This one says, dark colours to be washed separately...But what about drying?
One tag did say 'Stretch while damp'...I think that translates to our 'reshape and dry flat'
Line had gone with some soccer girls to a farm to bring home a new kitten. When she came home she assured me that the dryer was ok...

I don't think she realizes how quickly my dryer can shrink something! So to be on the safe side...
...Aren't her clothes pretty?!

Last night the girls got to practice on the turf...the boys played on the grass practice field.

All the other soccer moms were waiting in their cars, so I tried to take pictures from here...I felt like a spy, but I did promise a photo.
You can barely see the girls there with the coach in front of the scoreboard.


Unknown said...

I am a laundry nazi and am so careful about my own clothes. It seems that ladies clothing are so delicate anyway. I understand your cautiousness in doing Line's laundry! Thanks for sharing the photos!


Apple Tree Cottage said...

When in doubt, drip dry.... that is my creed! I can't tell you how many things have shrunk to the size an ant could wear in my dryer...


Lori in South Dakota said...

Learned from my own daughter, when in doubt cold wash and hang to dry!! Or I would leave it for her to do!! LOL She was VERY particular over her laundry!

Betty said...

Hi Natalie!
Can't wait to hear more about the new kitten. Don't hesitate to call if Rik can help with Norwegian translation. Shrunk clothes- oh well, no remedy but to shop!

Oklahoma Granny said...

Natalie, I found your blog through Four Dog Day. Your post along with Coffee Bean's @ The Righteous Buzz inspired me to get busy and complete a little project that's been bugging me for a couple of weeks. Thanks for the motivation!

I hang a lot of my clothes to dry to be on the safe side.

Kathy said...

I hang a lot of my things, but I buy my jeans really long just so I can throw them in the dryer. I love nice soft jeans!

Have fun with soccer. Man did we love it. Our son's senior year in college we went 14 of his games! It was so much fun. We even did a little road trip and followed the team for a few games. It was great! It's an awesome sport. It takes great stamina and intelligence as well.

Tolentreasures said...

Laundry?! I didn't even think about more laundry! You are a saint! When my girls were out of high school, I made them do their own laundry, that has been eight years ago, oh how I would hate to go back!


National Love your Pet Day

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