Monday, September 14, 2009

Making Memories

We spent the weekend in North Dakota...
It is my Mom's birthday in September, so a celebration was our main objective. Since Line has never seen a buffalo, that was our secondary objective. Thank goodness for the World's Largest Buffalo in Jamestown...we were certain we'd see him, as we knew he doesn't go anywhere.

There is a buffalo ranch near New Rockford. We saw a small herd there. The big guys with woolly faces were most impressive...the babies were the cutest.

While in Devils Lake we spent the afternoon at the Sully's Hill National Game Reserve. While we enjoyed getting out of the car to hike up the 195 steps to the scenic overlook...the only wildlife we saw were Prairie Dogs.

We took my mom out for a nice dinner. The cute waiter brought an apple turnover and ice cream dessert. We sang Happy Birthday and shared the dessert.

We gave Grammy a new TV for her birthday. Her old set had blacked out in March and she has been without. Emily and Line wondered how someone could survive without TV or a Computer...well, she does get a newspaper...

Here is Grammy with her gentleman friend, Ken and his son, Bruce.

And Grammy with Emily and her newest granddaughter, Line.


emilyhnes272 said...

Oh happy memories! I was excited to see the large buffalo also... too bad we missed the albino one! Just finishing up work for the night so I can hop in the shower. Can't wait to see you guys again this weekend for the football game... Go Bison! Have a good week... Love you.

Firecracker Kid said...

What a nice birthday for Grandma. Thanks for sharing with us. Carol

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a wonderful visit. I would love to see all the buffalo there...especially that BIG one. :)
195 steps huh? I see you did not take Grammy up those.
Happy birthday to her...sure she will enjoy that new TV.

Anonymous said...

Has it been a year already? Happy Birthday to your mom...and special memories shared!!

Oklahoma Granny said...

It's funny your post is about buffalo because I posted about buffalo on my blog on Monday too. Looks like it was a wonderful birthday party!

Carol said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!! Nice gift and I agree with Line on the how could she live. HA!

That's one big buffalo! I love those over scaled tourist attractions. I visited a friend in Ohio long ago and have shots of me standing next to giant baskets. LOL

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