Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Best Boyfriends

Speaking of Blog Worthy...I must remind you that there are three special young, and young-at-heart, men that I am quite, quite fond of...
You've met them all in previous blog posts, but this one is all about them.

Emily met Jake during their first year in college. The freshman men and women's dorms share a dining center...

Jake is Emily's calming force when she is stressing about her strenuous course load, work, and living arrangements.

Jake's family lives on the West Coast, so they are apart during the summer and major holidays, but they still manage to spend some quality time together.

Jake also has a strong work ethic and ambitious goals for the future.

And speaking of ambitious young men...Amy met Seth during their first year of graduate school.
They are both studying to be a Physician's Assistant. This, their 2nd year, is very rigorous, so they provide excellent support for each other.

While studying takes most of their time, I know that they find time for fun and relaxation, as well.

We are looking forward to having Jake and Seth here with us as we celebrate Thanksgiving together.

Last, but not, least, is another boyfriend (I mean gentleman friend) that is such a gem. And did I mention that he is 90?!
He lives across the street from my mom and they are wonderful companions. He takes her to eat at the church rummage sale...

In fact, since she doesn't drive anymore, he takes her every place she needs to go...the hair salon, medical appointments, the bank, senior exercise class...

He even brings her here and will do so again this permitting. So pray that the snow in the forecast stays away...

This week...Thanksgiving week...
as I count all my blessings,
I am thankful that these three men have come into our lives.


Oklahoma Granny said...

It's truly God's blessings when paths manage to cross like these 3 did. What a wonderful Thanksgiving you will have to enjoy.

Unknown said...

All three sound like really great guys!


Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this Natalie. In this day and age when so many women choose to spend their time with un-worthy companions...your girls have chosen nice boyfriends. I am sure this warms your heart. You have done a good job and they can see what it is like to have a nice and healthy relationship.
And your Mom...gosh I love this relationship. SO wonderful that they have each other.

Firecracker Kid said...

Sounds like a fun Thanksgiving to be had by all. You've truly been blessed. Happy Holidays! Carol

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your "whole" family Natalie :0)

prashant said...

your girls have chosen nice boyfriends. I am sure this warms your heart.

Work from home India

marie said...

Sounds like you're going to have some wonderful company for Thanksgiving! Hope you have a marvelous day!

Tolentreasures said...

I can't believe I actually got the comments to work on your blog. What a nice post. How lucky you are to have these three great young and young at heart men in your life.

Hope that you had a great holiday!


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