Sunday, November 29, 2009

Please Say It Isn't So

The holiday weekend went sooo fast. It was wonderful to have the girls and their guys here. I wish I could have stopped the clock...frozen make it last a little longer...

But duty calls...most of our guests have gone home...
...Everyone must be in class tomorrow morning. These two had a seven hour drive, left shortly after 9 a.m.

These two can make it home in a little less than three hours, so finished some homework and laundry before they loaded their car.

So our final hugs and well wishes...

It's going to be quite a while before these four are together here for a holiday at the same time again...
I treasure the time we spent together this
Thanksgiving Weekend.


Christine Burgess said...

What a lovely post. How nice to have family come home for Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

It's always great spending holidays with family! Glad it was such a special time for you.


Busy Bee Suz said...

It is so hard when it is all over and everyone goes back to 'normal' life. Glad you all had a nice visit...I hope they all made it home with no problems!

Abatevintage said...

OH what a fun time it looks like you had. Sounds like you had a great weekend.



Anonymous said...

Wonderful holiday spent with your loved ones...

Kathy said...

Those are precious times aren't they. Two of our three were here, but I am so looking forward to Christmas when the baby is here too. We miss him so much and only see him twice a year! So, hurry up Christmas!

Lori in South Dakota said...

New header--I like it!! And yes, treasure all those memory moments!

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