Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things in my House Thursday & Dome Bound

With the holidays approaching, Line received a package from home filled with special treats so that we may have a taste of her family's Christmas traditions. We have already had a sampling of the cookies and candy. I am especially looking forward to the this is one of my favorites.

A very nice handwritten note from Mary Ann explained that these little creations were made by Oystein's mum, Line's grandma. They are little hand-crafted star like ornaments hanging on a red ribbon. Line was quick to tell me that everyone hangs those in their window during the holiday I promptly attached it to the wreath on our front door.

Isn't it just the sweetest little addition?

There was much more in the package, but I can't show you just yet.
You see, there are little gifts for my daughters,
and I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise!

Some Excitement in School
With Football and Volleyball teams both on their way to state tournaments, the mood around school is high...the 500 student tickets allotted to our student body were sold out by mid-week. Also for sale...TShirts and Spirit towels...
A last minute pep assembly was held at the end of the day. We have an amazing band, which, by the way, is directed by a good friend of ours.
A few words praise from our head principal...

A yelling contest between the grades, led by the cheerleaders and class leaders

The head football and volleyball coaches were called on to judge.

There was a tie between Juniors and there was a yell-off...

And the Juniors won...unheard of...

I have to admit they were pretty loud...

The volleyball team introduced themselves...

And some of the Senior football players represented their team. Both groups created and performed a cheer...I wish I could have gotten a photo. It was definately a Kodak Moment.
All in all...It was a great end to our week
and a great send-off to our team, their parents, and fans.
Safe travels, everyone.


Busy Bee Suz said...

So much good stuff going it. I love those little stars too. You already have up your wreath? Or is that year-round for crafty!
I hope your weekend is wonderful.

Suzanne said...

The little star-like ornaments are beautiful -- so woodsy and sweet! Hope your teams do well at state!

BittersweetPunkin said...

You are one of the winners of my Giftaway....yipee!!!

Email me your mailing address via my email on my profile and I will get this right out to you!
Keep checking back because I have more to come!


LOVE that wreath btw!

Stephanie said...

I love to see all the stuff you have going on in your corner of the world!
Thanks for coming over and following me, I'm following right back!

SnazzyJazzie said...

hi nat, thanks for the lovely comment you left at my blog. it will be a long time before i could have the luxury of time to scrap again.

prashant said...

Hope your teams do well at state!

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