Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2010 ~ One Word ~ Organize

Several bloggers that I visit have chosen their 'word' for 2010...instead of a new years resolution...it is just a word for the year...for focus...for motivation.  Better late, than never, I have chosen my word...

Where to start? 

Well, my closet, for one place...I have too many clothes for the amout of space...And I even practice the "if you haven't worn it for a year, get rid of it" policy.  Let this photo be my inspiration!

Next stop...the kitchen and pantry...

If only I had the space to store my appliances, paper products and staple ingredients. 

This photo is my dream pantry!

And my craft room...

Well, it's actually a guest room that doubles as my craft room and home office. 
Again, I have way too much stuff...but I like to create in many different ways.  I like to sew...paint...decoupage...knit...crochet...recycle something old into something new...
This is my inspiration photo.

Oh...and then, there is school.  I have acquired 32 years of teaching materials, files, curriculum guides, books, notes, lesson plans, bulletin boards, supplies.  I have stuff in my teacher planning center and in two classrooms...

This photo is my goal...

You know I got a good start on this Organizing
project this summer...but I have a long ways to go...

I'll keep you posted...


Cathryn said...

Ooooooooooo It's my word for the year too! Organize! That's my main goal for this year--and getting husband to join me...

I LOVE your inspiration photos!

Carey's Farmhouse Kitchen said...

I need to do that too!


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Oh my, does anyone's pantry really look like that? I would say that's my dream too!

Willoughby said...

I did a ton of organizing before the holidays, but I feel like I need to go through everything again. I should have more space than I do, I still need to get rid of more stuff.

Kathy said...

My word is simplify and that requires organization...so I'm right there with you!

Oklahoma Granny said...

That pantry and that craft room made me drool!

marie said...

Never too late Natalie! you might know that my word is REST this year. i think in between my resting I'm going to work on the owrd organize!! : )
Love that pantry!!

marie said...

Sorry for all the spelling mistakes. I need to go to sleep... the lateness of the hour is obviously affecting my typing!

Have a happy Wednesday!

Busy Bee Suz said...

this seems to be my continual goal...it is a good one.
I love all your inspirational photos. Good luck!!!

Suzanne said...

Great goal -- probably one I need to have. Loved the inspirational photos! I also love the new look on your blog. Beautiful!

sweetiepie said...

I think I start every year with the idea I am going to get everything in my life organized. But usually by the end of the year it looks the same as it it did in the beginning....lol.

Good luck to you, Natalie.

pam said...

It's my word too! I really am going to do it this year!

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