Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Lost is Found

Line's suitcase is back in our house...
She left for New York on December 26, 2009...
She arrived in New York City and her suitcase did not...
Or did it??
It was missing for 10 days...


The Farmer's Attic said...

On a return flight from Florida back to PA, our luggage detoured to Puerto Rico. Glad it caught up with her!


Betty said...

Oh my goodness, that's terrible. I guess it's better late than never.

Kathy said...

Thank goodness if found her!

Anonymous said...

Was everything there in it?

Suzanne said...

Seriously TEN DAYS!!! That is horrible! I'm glad they found it, but that is crazy!

Linda said...

OMG that poor girl! 10 days is outrageous! That airline seriously needs a complaint letter!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh the things her luggage has seen!!!

Oklahoma Granny said...

If her luggage could only talk just think of the stories it could tell. So glad she finally has it back.

Stay warm!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

So glad she finally got it back!!

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