Thursday, January 28, 2010

True Confessions~I Love Clothes~I Love Fashion

In my quest to become more organized, I started with my closet...

This is a pic of my closet...

My inspiration closet picture is in my left sidebar.  I realize that having this closet is not possible, but I would like to find a compromise...

I have always loved clothes.  I learned to sew when I was ten...

I sewed  everything I wore when I was in High School.  Our family was poor so I used OLD clothing that my aunts gave to me... I cut them up and created NEW clothes.

I would have 'kicked butt' on Project Runway (which is on in just a few minutes, by the way!)

I went to college and majored in Textiles and Clothing...I took every clothing construction class on the list...

Sooo...I still love closet is packed...did you notice there are clothes in my closet that still have the hang tags?
(You know, if we had a new houses, with a walk-in closet, this wouldn't look so packed...Right)
How do you organize your closet? 
By like items...
by color...
or by how frequetly you wear the article? 
I'd love to hear from you...


Cathryn said...

Oooooooooo Tough Question since right now I'm living out of the laundry room. But when I get MY closet back, I'll organize everything by season and by function. In other words, if it's winter clothing but for work, it will be on the left. If it's winter and for play, it will be on the right! And then I'll rotate by season.

Turley Times said...

I keep all my current season's clothes in the closet in my bedroom, and the other season's clothes in the closet in my office. So right now all my fall/winter clothes are in my bedroom and my spring/summer stuff is in the other closet. I wear a tank under pretty much everything so those are always in my bedroom closet in their own section. Other than that, I am not very organized! Both closets are stuffed to the max...I love clothes too!

Suzanne said...

What do you mean "organize your closet?" Just kidding -- sort of. Since my kids have all moved out I have started rotating the clothes in my closet from winter to summer and vise versa. It makes for a less compacted closet. I have skirts and dresses in one section, pants in another and tops in still another. Other than that there is no organization. I've never even considered organizing by color. If I don't wear it often it goes to a shelter in town. I figure if I don't wear it often, let someone else!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

LOL! I noticed the clothes with the tags. I am sorry I can't help you with this one. My closet is not organized. Every one in awhile I will get it all nice and neat and try to go groupings of clothes and it only seems to last a couple weeks.

Willoughby said...

The closet in our bedroom isn't very big, so we put in a closet shelving unit and double hanging bars. It works well for us. I do need to sort through our clothes again. I did that before the holidays and thought I got rid of all the clothes we weren't wearing, but there are still a few more items we won't miss if I donate them to charity. It leaves more room for the clothes we wear the most.

pam said...

I organize my shirts by sleeve length, and then by weight. You know like...long sleeved t shirts, then long sleeved sweaters. I realized as I typed that, that maybe I'm a little strange.

Lori said...

We cleaned our closet out earlier, and now "most" of the clothes are hung in there. We still do have a few of the fluffy stuff in laundry baskets!

Oklahoma Granny said...

I have short sleeved shirts/blouses together by color, long sleeved together by color, capris by color and then dresses together and slacks together - of course, by color.

tattytiara said...

I let my closet self-organize - the clothes I wear most often just kind of gravitate to the easiest places to grab them. Which is good, seeing as how they completely fill three closets - one of which was designed for two people to share.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Hi Natalie,
I organzed all my tops by color. It makes getting ready so easy...'hmm..what color mood am I in today?'
unfortunatly, most of my clothes are too small. If I left only WHAT fits me now, it would be sparse. ;0

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