Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another excuse to eat cupcakes

Two weeks ago I purchased a cupcake stand...just couldn't resist.  I ordered it on-line from Crate and Barrel...was on sale at the time.  Now, I notice it is back to regular price.  I consider myself lucky!
Our church sponsored a concert by the Jamestown College choral group.  It is their spring break tour.  Church families were called upon to host these young adults in our homes.  We provided overnight housing for two girls.  This calls for major house cleaning and major snacks!

I knew that cupcakes were a must...and March = Green, right?!

I took the easy route, since I was busy correcting papers and preparing for the end of our school term.

This is Jessee.  She is a freshman from Jamestown ... she wants to go away to school to major in Film.  I think she stayed up late and watched some TV with Line.
Alyssa is a Junior from Milbank.  She is Emily's age.  She and her sister swam on swim team...So I'm pretty sure they were in the pool at the same time a few years ago!  She would like to go to the Seminary someday.
The night went fast.  We enjoyed our visit with these lovely young ladies. We wish them the best of luck in their future.


Chatty Crone said...

The girls are cute and the cupcakes look YUMMY! sandie

Suzanne said...

Oh yum! Those look wonderful. You are always doing such nice things for people. I thought that cupcake stand look familiar -- I've been ogling that cupcake stand at C&B for a year now. One of these days I'll break down and buy it! I love the chocolate mint in the top of the cupcakes! Delicious!

Firecracker Kid said...

Hi Natalie:) Mmmm those cupcakes look scrumptous. Now you'll have to make another batch again when St. Paddy's Day rolls around. Isn't it neat you're surrounded by young ladies. They keep you young I'll bet:) Carol

Oklahoma Granny said...

Your cupcakes are just the ticket for St Patty's Day. I'm sure your guests enjoyed them and the time they spent with you.

Willoughby said...

I just have to get one of those cupcake stands. It's too cute!

How nice of you to have the girls stay with you. It sounds like they had a great time!

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