Monday, March 29, 2010

Pretty Sure We Saw An Angel

My Mom has a strong faith. She always went to church on Sunday.  When she could no longer drive, she started to listen to church on the radio. Because she is in the hospital this year, I knew she would be missing the Palm Sunday service so, on Saturday, I requested a visit from the hospital chaplin.
On Sunday, her 6th day in the hospital, she took a turn for the worse. She was so weak and was becoming non-responsive.  The doctors worked fast to determine what was in the best interest of their patient. Surgery was considered very high risk, but it was even a greater risk to wait. The medical team moved very quickly. 

Then, came the visit from the chaplin. Emily and I sat on one side of mom's bed, as he got down beside her across from us.  His interaction with her was so personal.  Within a few minutes we learned that at one time he served in a little country church that was a half a mile from our farm.  His good friend was Benny Thompson, one of my mom's high school classmates.  This was more than just coincidence.

He asked mom, "What is your favorite hymn?"
I knew what she was going to say...
He invited her to sing along if she remembers the words...
Of course she remembers the words, but she says she lost her singing voice years ago.
The chaplin started to sing in a beautiful, rich, strong voice.

I had closed my eyes to listen...
And from somewhere inside, my mom found a voice and started to sing too...
Much higher than her tenor/alto voice from years ago...but perfectly in tune.

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilage to carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer!

All I know is, there was someone way more powerful than you and I in that room.
The tears came...I could not sing.
But I knew I must dry my eyes and be strong for my mom.
We received communion, three generations together.

And somehow, Emily and I found the strength...
and our pray together,
The Lord's Prayer.
with mom and the chaplin...


Suzanne said...

What a beautiful tender mercy. It was sweet of you to share something so personal with us. We all benefit from experiences like these. That was certainly not a coincidence. What a beautiful gift from a loving Heavenly Father who knows and loves your mother and you and who has her best interest at heart.

Pat said...

Yes, I do believe there are angels who come in many different forms. Touching story and will continue praying for your Mom and your family.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, Natalie. This brought big tears to my eyes...
Angels. They are everywhere.
I do hope and pray that your Mom is on her way to becoming healthy again.
Hugs to you and your family,

Oklahoma Granny said...

What a beautiful post. Blessings to you and your family this Easter season.

Something Nice and Pretty said...

What a beautiful post, I also believe in angels, what a loving Father we have:)


Firecracker Kid said...

Blessed be. It is true Natalie. I was in the hospital pregnant with my first born and had toxemia. Both of us were in danger of dying. Prayer was being said over us and I felt an angels warm hands on my torso during the prayer. I looked to see whoes hands were there, and not one of the people in the room, but an angel. If you felt one's presense, there was one there. I pray the best for your mom and for your strength and courage. Hugs~Carol

Ramblin Mama said...

What a wonderful story! Faith can be so healing. I'll have your mom and your entire family in my prayers. Incidentally, that's one of my favorite hymns, too. I could hear it in my head while reading your post. Keep strong.

Kat S. said...

Reading this brought tears to my eyes and thankful prayers to my heart and mouth. God bless you all.

Holly said...

What a touching story. I wish you and your family strength and peace during this trying time. I hope that your mother recovers soon.

KEEPSAKE KORNER said... you stated it was not a coincidence the Chaplin had a common thread with you! God's hand was definitely in this as it is in all things. Tears came to my eyes reading this...the spirit saying ...."God loves the voice of all His children, no matter the volume or beat."

Unknown said...

That was a very moving post. Natalie, I felt as if I was in that room with you all. Thinking of you all and praying for your mom. God Bless!


Betty said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, Natalie. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

marie said...

Such a sweet story ~ God is good!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

*wipes tears away* So glad you had this wonderful moment with your Mom and her angel.
Hugs, Karen

jdavissquared said...

I'm just now reading this and just wanted to say how beautiful this is. What a special moment. How wonderful to have the peace of the Lord at your side at a time like that.

I'm praying for your mom, and for all of you.

Joy said...

What a beautiful memory of your mom and your family!!!
Isn't God good to us! He blesses us all with memories for ourselves and those to share with others to bless them. Thanks for sending me the link to read this.

Joy said...

What a beautiful memory of your mom and your family!!!
Isn't God good to us! He blesses us all with memories for ourselves and those to share with others to bless them. Thanks for sending me the link to read this.

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