Thursday, March 11, 2010

Things in my House Thursday

Check out these awesome Vintage Keys from Pottery Barn.  You can purchase all 7 keys for just $19.00 and there are no shipping charges!

So...why would anyone hesitate?  You can use them all together...or break up the set and hang them with your other wall arrangements.
I promptly ordered mine and Pottery Barn didn't waste any time in shipping them out.  The UPS driver left them on my doorstep today.

Pottery Barn also does not mess around with shipping materials...There was this smaller box inside the bigger box...and this bubble wrapped bundle inside...

Inside the bubble wrap...the seven small baggies containing the paper wrapped treasures.

And treasures they are...each one is just delightful...
I think I know just where to hang them...
This is our foyer. 
The door to the left goes out to our shop and garage.
The door to the right goes outside...and yes, I still have snowmen on display...
this is South Dakota, and guess what is in our forecast?!!
Anyway, to the left...above the vintage hat and picture...
the Vintage Keys will be perfect there, don't you think?


Kathy said...

Those are awesome!! Great place for them too.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love those keys...they will look great in the foyer!
I so love pottery barn too...I can just look at the catalog and dreammmmmmm.

Oklahoma Granny said...

Great keys! They'll look great in your foyer.

Seriously - you have more snow coming? As we say in Oklahoma - "Bless your heart!"

Anonymous said...

When we lived in Germanya and shopped the old flea markets there would be vendors with boxes full of these "real" old keys. Always loved them....your new ones are delightful.

Willoughby said...

That's a perfect place to display them.

I've always had a thing for skeleton keys. I don't know what it is about them, they just make me happy! I used to have a collection of them, but I let my son play with them when he was 4 or 5 and I don't know what became of them.

Christine Burgess said...

I think those keys are really great! You have such a lovely home too.

Cathryn said...

Those keys are going to add the final touch to your foyer! Perfect!

Unknown said...

Your keys will look great there! I love them; I'm thinking about getting them myself.


Attic Clutter said...

Love the room and the keys and those yummy looking green cupcakes Natalie(:)

marie said...

I love these keys and I'm very tempted to order them!

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