Thursday, May 27, 2010

Saying Farewell

This last week went so fast for Line.
School was out, but she was busy packing and spending time with her friends.
This morning we took the last two boxes to the USPS.

High School students have a busy schedule...
but I wanted to gather as many as possible in our home, so Line could say goodbye.

The lunch hour was a perfect time...and Walking Tacos was the perfect menu item.
And Line loves cupcakes.
She is the reason I bought my cupcake tree!
Some of the girls came from agility training,
from the dance studio,
and from summer work orientation.
But they all enjoyed the frozen lemonade,
good conversation,
and the warm sunshine.
The girls relaxed... just one more time... in our living room...
But, before we knew it...we were at the airport.
Line waited till the last possible minute to go through security.
Good Bye, Line...So long for now...


Firecracker Kid said...

A fond farewell. I've enjoyed your posts about Line and the girls and learning about her culture. She is a beautiful gal and she'll come back someday a beautiful woman. I know you and your family feel fortunate to have been a part of her life and she yours. A wonderful addition to your memories.

jodi said...

Wishing her all the best.

Farm Field Primitives said...

I have tears just reading this so I can only imagine how hard it was for your family. Thanks so much for sharing her year with us. It was fun to watch!! Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, this makes me so sad.
I am sure you will all miss her smiling face.
What wonderful memories she will have for a lifetime though.
Take care, Suz

sweetiepie said...

Wow, I can't believe how fast that year went. Things will be different at your house now. I am sure you will miss her.

Are your girls moving back in for the summer?

Take care.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Have a safe trip home, Line!!


Cathryn said...

Ok...that brought back memories and tears to my eyes. I remember seeing off a friend at an airport--still have the pictures. Good bye Line--I wish you the best of life!

Cordwood Cabin said...

Awww, looks like a lovely send-off, full of good food and good times!!

Oklahoma Granny said...

Wishing Line the best of everything in her future endeavors.

Tolentreasures said...

What a great party and how hard that had to be to see her go..for both of you!


Kathy said...

I'm going to cry....

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

What a year of wonderful memories you made for Line! I am sure she is truly grateful for the time she got to spend with such a loving family.

dee begg said...

Wow! That year went fast! I'm sure that Line will have very fond memories of her time she shared with you and your family. You will always be in her heart and she in yours.

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