Sunday, May 16, 2010

Update on Mom: a Four-Wheel Walker

Mom is suddenly more mobile.
She is now using a four-wheel walker...
and she navigates the home better than some who work there!
Bonnie came to visit yesterday.
Mom gave us a tour of the Therapy Center.
Mom has had so many special visitors...
Besides our immediate family, she has seen
Shoneen & Daryl, Carol Ann, Lynn & Eileen,
Clarice, Robert & Mona, Betty Jane, Sylvia,
Bonnie, Audrey, and Violet.
Family has always been so important to Mom.
Thank you to everyone who has sent such lovely cards,
sent thoughtful emails,
left cheerful comments here,
and has stopped in to visit her.
You are all appreciated.


jodi said...

So airy and clean looking! Glad to hear that she is moving around.

Lori said...

those walkers are handy things. I love all the windows--a place to look out and see what's going on.

Unknown said...

Hi Natalie,
I'm so glad for her and her new little four-wheeler. The pt area looks so nice. It's good knowing she is at a place that takes such good care of her.


Firecracker Kid said...

Well, she is looking good. I'm so glad to see she's up and walking. Looks like a nice place and wow, lots of visitors:)

Tolentreasures said...

So glad that she is doing better, sounds as though it is a good place for her and great that she has so many visitors!


Farm Field Primitives said...

What a beautiful facility. I'm glad she is getting around so well.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am glad she is getting around now...she must feel great having some independence again.
The therapy center looks amazing!

Oklahoma Granny said...

So happy to hear your mother is doing so much better.

Turley Times said...

She looks like she is doing so well and that facility looks marvelous!


Cathryn said...

I'm sorry your mom's been ill, but she looks great! Tell her to slow down on trucking with the walker! LOL Glad she's doing much better!

Chatty Crone said...

So happy for your mom - she looks like she's getting better. sandie

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