Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whatcha Workin' On Wednesday?

It has been 'yeast dough week' in my Basic Foods class...
Dinner Rolls...
Cinnamon Rolls...
Is anyone interested in the recipes???

Can you believe it is the 5th week of the term...
Parent Teacher Conferences...already...

So, correcting and recording...

My mom's birthday is tomorrow...
We're planning an open house for her this weekend.

I found Mums on sale at Walmart for $2.44.
They are so beautiful.
They will be perfect on the tables.

Take care,


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

The mums are gorgeous! You know what else is cute? Small pumpkins cut open-scooped out and used as flower pots for those mums! Very cute!
My Mom's birthday is Sunday. We are planning a surprise get together for her. She will be 80. I love that woman and I can't wait to celebrate with family.
Have a wonderful time with your Mom! :) ★Linda★

Suzanne said...

You are one busy lady. Those rolls look fabulous. How nice to treat your mom to a birthday party. Wish her "happy birthday" from us here in blogland!

Christine Burgess said...

Hi Natalie,

Happy Birthday to your mom. What a lovely idea to have a party for her.

The mums are perfect, I agree.

Take good care and have a fabulous day!

BundlesofBlossoms said...

Oh my goodness, those rolls made my mouth water this morning-YUM!

jdavissquared said...

yes please, on the recipes!

and happy birthday to your sweet mama!

sweetiepie said...

Those rolls look delicious!!! Instead of the recipe, just send me the rolls.

Happy Birthday to your Mom.

Take care.

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