Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year & 2010 Goes Out With a Roar

Best Wishes to all our Family and Friends for a
Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

2010 ended with a good old fashioned blizzard on our Dakota Prairies.
We were to receive 12 to 14 inches of new snow...I haven't heard any official reports...
but it must be hard to measure when the snow comes horizontally.

The view from our deck.
(Well, from inside the door to the deck)

My precious little tree on the front porch.

The view from my sewing studio window.

It was a great day to stay inside
and enjoy the warmth of our homes and family.

Stay warm.
Take care,


The Old Cupboard Door said...

Happy New Year Natalie. I love the snow so I'm always happy when I see pictures of it. Your photos brought a leap of joy to my heart. Send some of the white stuff my way.

Best wishes for a wonderful 2011.


Unknown said...

Happy new year, Natalie!

OH, certainly got a lot of snow. It's really pretty to look at, but not much fun to travel in.

Keep warm and safe. Wishing you and your family lots of happiness in 2011!!


Willoughby said...

We had a similar storm a few weeks ago. Over the last two days, though, it's been unseasonably warm and rainy. Nearly all of our snow has melted away. It feels like spring has come early!

Oklahoma Granny said...

We've only seen a few snowflakes so far this winter. Last year was a totally different story. Take care and stay warm.

jodi said...

I washed all of the cars yesterday trying to take advantage of the warm weather - and get ready for Winter 2.0

Lori said...

Oh Natalie---I thought of you when I watched the weather and someone reported LIVE from Aberdeen. We didn't have near as much as you did! Oh, -18 and nasty wind chill and winds, but less snow! I hope you get dug out by Monday. I hear it will warm up to 20F at the end of next week. Heat wave coming! Happy New Year!

pam said...

Hey, didn't I use that kitty cat picture last year!! Happy New Year Natalie!

Anne Lorys said...

Wow, what gorgeous images!
I lived in North Dakota as a child, so I know all too well what a REAL Winter looks like, too. :-)


Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

I agree... it's best to stay inside when you see that outside. It is beautiful though!

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