Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What'cha Working on Wednesday?

I have finally made the finishing touches on my cup cozies 
and have started listing them in my Etsy shop.
In the last 6 weeks, we spent approximately 46 hours in the car. I needed a small, portable project that I could work on while traveling.
Through some trial and error (we had to make a pit stop so I could buy a coffee to have a cup to measure for size), I created this coffee cup sleeve. It is crocheted with 100% cotton.
My friend, Karren, taught me how to crochet in a circle. 
She designed the pattern for the cute little flowers.

I think I am addicted to crocheting little flowers.
This is the last full week of school...
so this must be my priority...
Notice I didn't post pictures of my old fashioned red grade book?
I still use it to organize student scores in alphabetical order...
and then, they are posted in our electronic grade book.
 I think I'd rather be crocheting!

Take care,

p.s. I have created lots of cup cozies...
They would make an awesome teacher appreciation gift, paired with a gift card to your local coffee shop.
If you'd like to buy one, you can visit my Etsy shop...
or you can contact me directly here on my blog and we can make arrangements.


pam said...

Last full week of school!! I think I hear angels singing.

matkat said...

omg those are gorgeous. Love Love Love those koozies. I really like the dark purple one. What other colors do you have. I like the yellow flower one too and do you have a dark pink one?

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

What a neat way to dress up a cup!
Prim Blessings

Busy Bee Suz said...

Those are glad you found a way to kill the time in the car. I am just hoping you were not the driver. :)

Willoughby said...

The cup cozies are adorable! I think you'll sell a lot of them!

I can imagine how excited you are to see the end of the school year in sight. My son is done this week (he's a senior), but my daughter doesn't get out until June 10. I'm counting the days! Not only do I love having the kids around during summer break, I love not having the daily parking lot congestion to deal with.

Lori said...

just wandering through your blog and catching up. Summer does not feel like its here yet. I have the heat on! The fields are too wet to do any more tillage or planting until it dries. And there is rain in the forecast. I bet when summer hits its gonna be HOT. its hard when your kids grow up. Any bites on places to move/work???

Kathryn D. Duke said...

these are just toooo cute!!!I too am a (retired three years) Family & Consumer Sciences teacher!!

Kathleen J. said...

Your cozies are adorable. I like crocheting flowers too but haven't done any in awhile. Hope you have a fantastic summer with no more worries about floods.

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