Friday, June 24, 2011

Birthday News ~ My Family and Friends Spoil Me ~ and A Winner

It was such a beautiful day...
We celebrated out to lunch with daughter, hubby and his mom...
We chose to sit on the outdoor patio and had it almost to ourselves.
(I ordered my favorite sandwich...the BLT)
We also had dinner out at the downtown historic Alonzo Ward Hotel.
Lots of surprises...
flowers, friends, good food.
Seems we also had this place to ourselves.
Thanks to my family for planning this special night out on the town!
All of that should have been enough, but there were gifts too!
Thank you Stacy, Wetenkamps, LaFaves and Scott.
And doesn't everyone need a peacock on their patio?
Thank you Emily and Amy. He just makes me smile!
Don't think I forgot about the birthday giveaway...
There were 45 comments...
We printed them, cut them apart, 
mixed them up in my Rachel Ray garbage bowl (clean),
and then, picked the winner.
Stop over at her blog and say 'Hi'.

My day was perfect...becoming a 'senior' was really OK...
...thanks to my family, my friends,
and  to all of my blog friends that stopped in with Birthday wishes.
Thank you, everyone.

Take care,

Please visit Cindy at my Romantic Home 


Sabrina @Falling Leaf Woodworkers and Primitives said...

I love love love your peacock... just beautiful. Happy Birthday (late) looks like it was a magical day

Brenda said...

Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful birthday Nat!! That peacock is just awesome!!

AND....thank you so very much for picking my name for your birthday giveaway! Extra special since it was your birthday! I'm so excited!! Thanks again!!


Silvia said...

It all looks so much fun. And Yes everyone should have a Peacock on their Porch...I only have one on my

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Congratulations to Brenda! Thanks for sharing your pictures - love the peacock!

~*~Leanne~*~ said...

You were spoiled! But then every women should be treated like a Queen on her birthday...he, he.
Enjoy the day after your birthday,

Rachel said...

Glad to hear you birthday was good! Looks like you had lots of good company & goodies!
Congrats to Brenda on winning your giveaway & thank you for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!

Maureen said...

Now that's the way to celebrate a birthday!
and Congrats to you Brenda for winning the drawing.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

What a great birthday! :) Congratulations Brenda!!

Turley Times said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday! I love that "Long Live Vintage" you know where it is from? My mom would love one of those. Have a good weekend!


Busy Bee Suz said...

You are the cutest and youngest looking senior i know!!!
So glad you day was a big deserve all good stuff!!!!
The peacock has your name allllll over it. Colorful, artistic and beautiful!

sweetiepie said...

I totally love that peacock!!! Happy Birthday, Natalie!!!!

jennifer768 said...

Happy Birthday Natalie ! Love your peacock !He is to cool .Congrats Brenda !Have a great weekend!Jen

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Happy Birthday Natalie, it looks like you had a wonderful day! AND congrats to Brenda! OLM

Firecracker Kid said...

Well, what an awesome day. I still find it hard to believe you are a senior... no way. At least you'll have more benefits:)
Congratulations to Brenda P.!

Suzanne said...

Looks like you had an incredible day! Congrats to the winner!

A Few Pennies said...

Fun day and happy times for you! That peacock is so cute. Have a blessed week.

Ramblin Mama said...

Happy Birthday, Natalie ! Sounds like you had a great day. I LOVE the peacock!

Happy Happy Birthday, Emily

Today we celebrate the Birthday of our second born daughter, the baby that that made our family complete. A happy little girl, Smart and a l...