Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Mania ~ Class All Day

A teacher has to renew her certificate...

There are about 20 teachers taking this summer course in technology skills...
...sooo much information in sooooo little time...
It's hard to teach an old dog some new tricks!

Take care,


Diane Mars said...

Good luck~ I kinda feel like I too am in a learning curve~ oxox, Diane

Oklahoma Granny said...

I'm sure you'll do great!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Oh what a bummer ~ back in school.
Good Luck ~ I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors!!!
Prim Blessings

Silvia said...

Back to school for the
I am sure you can do it x

Maureen said...

My son who will be a junior in college (already). He is doing very well and loves learning because of some very special teachers in his life. Let me go on record and say THANK YOU for putting up with your summer school and for all you folks do for our young people.

Busy Bee Suz said...

LOL!!!! I hope it is going well.

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...