Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Soggy, Wet First Day of Summer

Today, the first day of summer...
Looks like it was raining all over the state...
It was cold, wet and soggy all day.
We're looking forward to some summer weather here!

Take care,


Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Same here!
It's pouring right now.
The lawn needs mowing the weeds need pulling whats a girl to do?
Try to stay dry.
Prim Blessings

Leah said...

yes the Dakotas and Minnesota have rec'd plenty of rain the last couple of days - stay dry.... we are saying prayers for all those who are having trouble during this most recent rain.

Sabrina @Falling Leaf Woodworkers and Primitives said...

ok, sorry to rub it in but for once in Maine we had the perfect first day of summer, the sun was shining from sun up to sun down. We are expecting rain tomorrow and friday, fingers crossed for a sunny weekend...
have a great day, hope the sun comes out today for you

Oklahoma Granny said...

I'll trade you some of our hot weather for some of your rain. LOL

Suzanne said...

Our high was 66 degrees on Monday, but it was a nice respite from the heat that is sure to come. Warmer weather is coming your way! Today is supposed to be 85 degrees here!

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Oh I love your beautiful porch! If I had one like that I think I would never be in the house..:)
Have a great finish to the week Natalie!
Tina xo

Busy Bee Suz said...

Rainy and cold?? I think you need a summer refund!

Lori said...

first day of summer. Rained. Again. I had to turn the heat on. Good grief! The sun was shining today--but did drive thru some big raindrops--and it's clouded up again. I think I'm getting mossy feet.

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