Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Garden Walk Wednesday

For me...teaching and gardening was not such a good match.
My hubby and I did try, in those early years of marriage...
but August, when teachers are spending long hours at school,
is when the garden is ready for harvest and produce needs to be canned, pickled and frozen...
Plus, my hubby's folks have always had a huge garden plot...
...with lots of vegetables.
Enough potatoes to share some with the whole family.
Since the girls were little, we'd always go out back to visit the garden...
...on every Sunday visit.
Which explains why the girls gave their grandparents the "Garden Tours" sign

These garden tour pictures were taken in June, toward the beginning of the growing season.

There is a creek that runs through the back yard...
can you see the family of ducks?

Grandma's Tour continues around the house to see all her pretty flowers. is August.
We are enjoying the results of all her time and effort.
There is nothing quite as yummy 
as home-grown tomatoes and cucumbers.

I hope you all are enjoying some home-grown goodness of your own.

Take care,


Old Time Cindy said...

Great garden! If you can't have your own...this is the next best thing. That little 'garden tour' sign is so cute.

Suzanne said...

What a beautiful, lush garden. We hardly have any sun in our garden area anymore, so we have to plant our tomatoes in containers and put them on our patio. Still, we had a huge amount of tomatoes this year, so it's not all bad! Lucky you to have that yummy produce!

Kathryn D. Duke said...

lovely garden...ours has Petered out with no water and sooo hot here in the south!!

jennifer768 said...

What a lovely garden! The tomatoes and cukes look awesome.Hugs,Jen

Ann said...

Natalie, Wow, do I ever hear you about when a garden comes ripe! Just doesn't fit into the teacher schedule. I did a salsa garden last year and this year my boxes are sitting empty. We started school yesterday. ~Ann

M said...

Oh My Gosh! What I would give for a fat, juicy homegrown tomato! Nothing tastes better!

I love to can too...but the gardens I have tried here get raided by squirrel, skunk and oppossum :(\


Joyce said...

We've had home grown sliced tomatoes the last two nights. We didn't grow anything else but are surrounded by farms and farm stands so no shortage of wonderful fresh produce.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

What a beautiful garden. Mine this year isn't the best. Way to many mosquitos for me ~ got more weeds than produce.
Thanks for sharing!
Prim Blessings

Willoughby said...

I would love to tour that garden and take home a few samples! My tomatoes are not doing well at all this year.

Sabrina @Falling Leaf Woodworkers and Primitives said...

what a beautiful garden. everything looks great. I have to agree that fresh garden tomatoes are so YUMMY....

Lydia said...

I can smell how fresh your air is all the way over in Southern California. Thank you for the instant vacation!

Anonymous said...

Nothing prettier than a vegetable garden!

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is a beautiful veggie patch!!! It is so nice that you can enjoy the bounty as well.
It is way too hot right now for anything to survive in my garden...I will start cleaning it up and prepping in January for my spring garden.
Have a great weekend!

Linda said...

What a gorgeous garden. It looks like a wonderful back yard! My garden started off lush but due to the crazy 100+ temps this summer, it has turned into a vined and weedy wilderness. I guess it's too hot for pollination; I know it's too hot for me to weed. ;)

Do you have any plans to makes Garden Tours signs for your Etsy shop? :)

marianne said...

Beautiful garden you have... and your right nothing is better then growing, picking, and eating home grown

My garden produced really well this year, I have done spaghetti sauce,(easy to do recipe on my blog)salsa, stewed tomatoes and I have frozen 63 bags of corn... a great feeling for sure
by Marianne

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