Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What Bella does when Amy goes to work...

She had fatty liver disease...
but with Amy's persistence and the family force feedings,
Bella has recovered.
When Amy is home, Bella doesn't leave her side...
follows her from room to room.
But Amy has a career job and has to go to work...
in fact, she often works very long hours.
Remember, I was there for Amy's first day of work...
I was able to observe, first hand, what Bella does when Amy is at work.

And no...she doesn't sleep all day.
She watches the birds and squirrels, 
and visits the neighbors upstairs.
And she eats three square meals a day.

But mostly...
she watches for Amy to come home.

Our furry friends are such faithful friends...

Take care,


M said...

Bella looks so much like my feral cat Mew...he's 15 now and he only comes in for food in the morning and some love..and if it is cold and raining he will stay in at night...he and Bella would have had beautiful kittens!

Ann said...

She is one big beautiful kitty! I found out today what Shadow does when we aren't home - he knocks fall decorations off shelves - he cleaned out the downstairs bathroom and all my decorations were on the floor. Bad Cat! Glad that Bella is a Good Cat. ~Ann

Pat said...

Such a sweet girl that kitty is. I probably should set up a camera to see what our dog Lucy does when we leave her home alone.

Anonymous said...

Love love love this post! Thank you for making my day!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

How sweet. Our pets really are man's best friends!

Danice G said...

Bella is so lovely! I am so glad she is all well now. What a wonderful cat !

jennifer768 said...

Bella is gorgeous! So glad that she is doing so much better.I would be lost without my fur baby!Hugs,Jen

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, I am so glad she is doing better. What a sweetie pie!

jodi said...

That is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

très mignon ce minou ! moi aussi j'adore les chats. j'aime les avoir sur les genoux, ça tiens chaud l'hiver.
Bonne semaine
My blog is ;

Linda said...

Such a sweetie! I miss my kitty that looked very much like Bella. I loved the post with all the photos of her. :)

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