Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Girls Weekend & Girlfriend Birthday Giveaway Winner

Our girls were home for the weekend.
The main event was their dad's college band reunion.
(Those pictures deserve a blog post of their own)

While dad was busy with set up and rehearsal...
We had some special girl time of our own.
Emily had planned a little bachelorette party for her big sister...
You see, the next time we are all together,

Amy and Nick are getting married!

Champagne with a splash of Orange Juice.

Grandma met us for lunch...

Next stop...Pedicures!
The girls treated me too, my birthday gift.
Thank you so much.
I loved the pampering!

And don't worry...
we still had time to choose my birthday giveaway winner.
Congratulations to Robin of the Primitive Hutch.
(I will need your mailing address asap)

Be sure to stop over and sign up for her birthday giveaway!

I cannot say how much I appreciate my girlfriends...
those in person...and those online.

Take care,

p.s. Stay tuned for pictures from the
Precious Cargo Reunion Concert.


Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

Congratulations to Robin! Thanks for hosting a wonderful giveaway! Have a wonderful day!

Barb said...

Thansks for great giveaway Natalie!!
Congratulations to Robin!
Sounds like it was a great weekend!

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Looks like a wonderful time was had by all! COngrats on the upcoming wedding! OLM

M said...

A wedding!! How cool is that!! We are going to 3 this summer...and my kids aren't even dating anyone right now....I tried to fix my daughter up with the goalie of the Earthquakes when he was signing autographs LOL!

Happy Birthday too! And what a beautiful doll giveaway :)
Happy Thursday!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Natalie it looks like you and the girls had a wonderful and blessed weekend!!!

I can't believe I won your wonderful giveaway!!! AWESOME!!!
Thanks so much Natalie for hosting!!!

So Excited!!!
Prim Blessings

My Colonial Home said...

What a fun post and congratulations to Robin for winning your give away.
What fun photos.

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh Natalie, I missed it here, so belated happy birthday. As always, you and the girls are beautiful. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Looks like a wonderful time spent with those beautiful girls of yours, Natalie! Congrats to your winner. I must've missed it somehow!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy belated birthday Natalie!
What a wonderful time for you all...congratulations to Amy. I am so happy for her...and you and Emily and dad....etc...
You must be so happy right now, what a blessing for your family! Oh, and mimosas aren't so bad either.

Unknown said...

Oh Congratulations to Amy!!! How exciting :) I received your package yesterday and the win bottle necklace is perfect for my Uncle Nick! Thank you for the extra goodies too :)

jodi said...

Congrats to Amy!

Happy Happy Birthday, Emily

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