Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thank You...

...for all your kind words of support and sympathy.
It has already been three weeks since mom's funeral service.

So many times I have reached for my phone to give her a call...
I wonder how long it takes for that feeling to go away?

I'm thinking...perhaps...never?

Take care,


Laura Rhodes said...

May Christ be your all in all, your healer, your comforter and friend that sticks closer than a brother. You are loved with an everlasting love. A mother's love is forever...May she have left a legacy that would have glorified God and made an eternal difference for His kingdom...Blessings, Laura R.

Suzanne said...

Oh Natalie, I'm so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I've been out of town on family emergencies and trips myself that I haven't kept up with reading my favorite blogs. I feel like I knew your mother from your sweet and frequent musings of her, so my heart dropped when I read this post and the few preceding it. She always sounded like such a remarkable woman. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. -Suzanne

Deb said...

Natalie, time will I think, ease that impulse to reach for the phone but the love and your memories will always remain. Thinking of you and keeping you and yours in my heart, Deb

The Moonlit Stitch said...

It does take time Natalie. I still yearn to talk with my dad, but now I call him with my heart and not the phone. It just changes over time. My heart goes out to you! ~*~Lisa

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

My Mom has been gone since 1990 and some days I wish I could talk to her. Time heals the pain but not the yearning. Hold on to all the fond memories.
Take Care.
Prim Blessings

Terri said...

So sorry to hear of your mom's passing, Natalie. You never totally stop wishing you could call her. At first, you go to pick up the phone and then realize you can't call. Then it progresses to just wishing she was there to take your call. It will be two years in April that I lost my mom and was five years in January that I lost my dad. I miss asking him for his advice on everything from buying a car to making a repair around the house and I miss plain old chitchatting with my mom. HUGS to you, my friend!

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

So sorry to hear of your loss Natalie. I lost my grandmother, who raised me, 11 years ago and I still find myself reaching for the phone.

Joyce said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm not sure we ever stop missing our parents, but time makes the wound less raw. Take care.

M said...

You were so lucky to have had your mom for so long! May memories brighten these difficult days.

Carol said...

It's true, Natalie, that feeling never goes away, it gets easier, but never completely goes away. My sweet Mother has been gone 15 years & I still find myself wanting to ask her something or tell her some news. I find comfort in my memories & I know you do, too.

Smiles & Hugs,

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