Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our thoughtful neighbors...Thank You!

Our doorbell rang this afternoon...
It was the neighbor girl.

She and her mom have been baking for the holidays,
and they wanted to share their goodies!

Since my surgery, I won't have the strength or energy for baking...
so this is much appreciated.

Do you see your favorite Christmas cookie?
I have my eye on those Russian Tea Cakes.

Take care,


M said...

Yikes! I didn't know you had surgery too!
Get well soon!!
And eat those yummy cookies!

Lori said...

What??? Surgery?? Hope you're feeling better, cookies help.

Kathleen J. said...

What lovely neighbors! If I don't get back to your blog before I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!

Kit said...

Oh what great neighbors! I just made Russian Tea Cakes today. Enjoy and heal up! Kit

Danice G said...

Did not know you had surgery. Praying that you are doing all better. The cookies look so tasty. What a sweet act of your neighbors. Not many people do that kind of thing any more, do they? Prim holiday blessings :)

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