Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Caring for Mom~Making the Difficult Decisions

Some of you will remember that Mom lived in her own place until 2010.
She was 89 years old.
She took care of all of her own personal needs.
She didn't drive, but took the Senior Bus to visit the 'elderly' at the Heartland Care Center. 
After she became ill and needed surgery, she didn't come back quite as strong.

She could no longer live alone...
we needed to decide what to do.

She was young at heart. 
She was still active in her home community...attending activities with the Senior Group, Eastern Star, & Church Ladies. Not to mention that she and her 'gentleman friend' would gallivant around the countryside visiting old acquaintances and go out to eat.

So, we decided to find a home for her in an assisted living facility in her hometown.
This photo was taken at their Christmas Party, just a month before her fall.
She just looks so happy here!

The staff was so good to her.
I am pleased with the care she received there.

But three years later, her hearing and eyesight had deteriorated.
She was quite confused.
She wanted to move closer to us...her only family.

So, I had promised her that when she was ready to move from an Assisted Living Facility to a Nursing Home Facility, we would bring her here to our community.

Now, we had reached that point.
After mom's fall and hip repair was time to find a new home for her. be continued.
Take care,


The Moonlit Stitch said...

Thanks for sharing Natalie...I know your words will help others like myself in making those "difficult" decisions when they come. And they will come. ~*~Lisa

Allison said...

Sorry to hear about your mom falling. Thinking of you and your family.

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