Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Recap...

Fridays at school are always a high energy day...
but add to that, Valentine's Day.
Students exchange flowers, stuffed animals, balloons, candy and cards.

However, we started our day on a more serious note.
I invited my friend and colleague into my Independent Living class 
for a guest presentation on STDs.
Appropriate, right?!

My Foods class had made sugar cookie dough on Thursday,
and it was chilling overnight in the refrigerator.

So, yesterday, we rolled, cut, and baked Heart Cookies.
And making the frosting was an important task.
Students were quite focused, don't you think?!

And their final product?

I'm not sure we are pinterest ready,
but our cookies were delicious!

After work, hubby and I tossed around the idea of 
cooking dinner together at home, or going out for a bite.

We did not need to discuss this for long.
By Friday, we are usually worn out from the work week.
We ended up at our long-time favorite restaurant,

And this was the Valentine Special.
It was perfect!
In fact, it was perfect for hubby and me to share!!
He enjoyed the steak and potato... 
I enjoyed the steamed broccoli and grilled shrimp.

There was a crab cake for each of us...
(Sorry, I took a bite before I remembered to take a photo.)

And, for the sweet tooth...
a heart shaped brownie,
strawberry ice cream,
chocolate and strawberry syrup,
with a shaved chocolate garnish.

While Mavericks is our long-time favorite,
we have a new restaurant in our neighborhood, Flatlanders...
and is easily our new favorite.

We stopped on our way home for an after dinner beverage and were treated to these complementary strawberries.  
They were fabulous!

It was a wonderful evening.

Take care,

p.s. today is the one-year anniversary of mom's funeral.
She had been adamant the people should not spend money for flowers for her funeral.
However, that request was accidentaly omitted from her obituary...

Of course, we ordered the casket spray when planning her funeral,
but I was afraid there might be other bouquets, against her wishes.

But the good Lord, again, took care of every detail.
Because this was the day after Valentine's Day,
even though her loving nieces and nephews tried,
there were no other flowers.

I also want to thank everyone who left such kind and loving comments here on my blog and on my facebook page.
I appreciate your friendship.



Firecracker Kid said...

Yes, I think it is appropriate to teach the teenagers about that.
Oooh, red hots on the cookies! Yum.

Sounds like a real sweet and hearty day you two had even though it may be bitter sweet this year. Your mom is watching over you and is so proud of you. You're a beautiful person :)


pam said...

Such a bittersweet time of the year for you. We ate in since the hubs was on call - but don't worry I'll get a dinner out next week.

Willoughby said...

The cookies look great! And that Valentine's dinner....I shouldn't have read about that while I was hungry!!

I'm sure this was a tough time for you. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Joyce said...

We were out of school on Friday so that let some of the air out of the celebrations. Then off yesterday for Presidents Day. Then today a delayed opening, but almost as soon as kids got to school they announced dismissal due to concerns over the roof/snow. It has been quite the winter up here! Your cookies look good. Hubs and I always stay in on Val Day, but I normally have a firm no -cooking on a Friday rule around here : )

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