Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday & Hubby's Birthday Report

I am spending my Wednesday night correcting papers.
It is not blog worthy, so I'm not even going to share a photo.

However, Hubby's Birthday Weekend was full of fun!
We drove into the cities. 
I like to stay busy while riding in the car, 
so I finished another Infinity Scarf.

Grandma came along 
so she could spend time with Aunt Darlene.

She is such a special lady.
She was a sponsor at hubby's baptism...
and our first-born daughter's baptism.

Hubby found great accomodations.
We had a great view of the city and great coffee for breakfast.

So, you all know how we both love to shop.
There is a new Outlet Mall in Eagan.

It was completely crazy...
cars, people, police directing traffic.

Shoppers were swarming in.
I'm not's the story.

(Amy, do you recognize where we are here?)

The prices were good and the customer service was great...
well worth our while.

Next on our Agenda
Matt's Bar and Grill for a Juicy Lucy.
It's good enough for us.

Do you see that puddle of cheese?

The Main Reason We Went to the Cities
A Twins Game.
Hubby doesn't mind driving in the city,
but we prefer to ride the light-rail downtown.

We met up with good friends at the game,
and our team won that evening!

Can you think of a better way to spend your birthday?

Take care,

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...