Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More Wedding Talk ~The Mornng After...

It was well after midnight when the 
last of us were leaving the wedding reception.
The decorators and the employees from the venue 
were taking care of the clean up...

The flowers were simply beautiful.
I had picked up Amy's Matron of Honor Bouquet.
She let me take it back to our room.
(Thank you, honey)

I stuck it in water in our ice bucket on our nightstand.
It was the last thing I saw when I turned out the light...
and the first thing I saw in the early morning.

Hubby and I were "up and at 'em" fairly early...
we wanted to take care of the personal items 
that our family had there for the reception.

This was the scene that greated us.
The navy table linens and lace table runners 
were to come home with us...

We quickly developed a system for clearing the tables.
And, I couldn't help but think about what my MOB friend said when she
walked into a mess the next morning after her daughter's wedding...

She said, "It's evidence that everyone had fun!"

Sooo..while cleaning up, 
I would find an occasional perfect cupcake, forgotten.

And, to whomever left 
this baby rosebud in a glass of water,
You made this Mother of the Bride smile.

After clean-up, we met family and guests for continental breakfast.

Guests had to make their way to the airport...
hugs and safe travel wishes to family and friends.

Most of these folks will never, 
ever be back here again!

This time spent with our daughters and son-in-laws,
having lunch that Sunday Morning,
was another favorite part of my weekend.

Take care,

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Really enjoyed the photos...the flowers are just beautiful

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