Saturday, February 6, 2016

This Special Young Woman Celebrates a Birthday

Happy Birthday Week to our Amy.
It was a special week, indeed.
We could not be together in person, but she lived in my thoughts

When our children are no longer living in our nest,
the anniversary of their birth takes on a whole different meaning.
It's not about party planning for their little friends.
It's all about cherishing the special memories and happiness that they bring to our family.

(I remember my mother would rather come to visit me on my birthday, 
not for us to visit her on her birthday...
now, I get it!)

A firstborn child changes a couple into a family.

This special baby intoduced me to the most important role in my life.

This pretty little baby grew up into the most beautiful woman.
Beautiful, inside and out.

She lives time zones away.
She's at work when I wake up and she's asleep when I get home.
We don't actually get to talk during the week.
I always look forward to our weekend facetime chats.

She and her hubby bring a generous spirit to our holiday gatherings.

And they are a big part of our family holiday traditions.

Amy is always so expressive, living and loving the moment.

Here she is after a round of golf with the two men in her life.

As the big sister, she paved the way ...

always taking care of her baby sister.

Amy, you bring sunshine and joy to our family.

I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
Love, Mom

Happy Weekend!
Take care, everyone,


Lil Raggedy Angie said...

What a Beautiful post and what a Gorgeous daughter you have ! Happy Birthday to your Amy! Have a great weekend ~ Angela

Drew Watts said...

These birthday photographs are so cute!! I really loved reading this post. Wedding photos you shared are also very pretty. My cousin is also having planning to have an indoor wedding at one of iconic Chicago wedding venues and I am helping her in arrangements. I hope everyone like my work!

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