Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Memories ~Atkins Country Market ~A Weekend Day Trip

Just six weeks ago I was spending my days
with this little ray of sunshine.

Remember that day when we took the
road trip to the Eric Carle Museum?

A tip from Jack’s Storytime Children’s Librarian...
“Go early and stop at this little Farmers Market.”

The minute we walked in the door,
I knew already that this was going to be a great day!

The produce displays were beautiful.
I picked up a bundle of asparagus and a red pepper.

There were products from neighboring New England states.

Handmade gift items from local artists...

...created with tender loving care.

There was a floral shop,

An impressive display case of meat and seafood,
and an area with a variety of wine and craft beers.

Seriously, there was something for everyone.

However, the highlight was perhaps their bakery.

Every kind of sweet treat you can imagine.

Again, there was something for everyone!

Jack ordered the Star Cookie and his Mama
had an Old Fashioned Cake Donut.

 This Nana Gigi enjoyed a Cheddar Red Pepper Scone.
It was a perfect place to stop for a morning snack
on our way to the Museum.

Thanks for the sweet memories.

Take care,

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~My Mask Making Report ~Who Else Needs One?

This is a challenging time.
When going out and about, the CDC recommends
that you should wear a Fabric Face Mask.

Crafters across the country have put
their other projects aside to create masks
for their family, their friends, and their community.

The following was on my Newsfeed yesterday...

 I couldn’t agree more with these thoughts.
It’s why we all keep cutting, and stitching,
and folding, and  pressing.

I feel like I am doing something worthwhile, 
when I am helpless about everything that is going on around us.

I’ve been making the two different styles,
as some folks like elastic around their ears,
and some prefer the longer elastic around the back of their head.

Helper Cat provides good support.

Over the weekend we had requests for about two dozen masks.
So we stepped up our production...

We filled those orders and have about 30 more in our inventory.

Please let me know if you still need a mask.
I am not charging for them,
as my objective was to just create protection
for our family and friends.

I have received some very generous donations
of crafting supplies, delicious baked goods,
and cash for our elastic fund.

Thank you, everyone.
Stay safe and well.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Senior Hour at the Supermarket ~Mask Making ~Where the Quarantine Time Goes

I left the house early yesterday to take advantage
of Senior Hour at my favorite Supermarket.
I had my list, my face mask, my Clorox Wipes,
and my hand sanitizer with me.
(No worries, this is a Red-Light Selfie)

If you know me well, you know that I love browsing in
a nice supermarket. I like looking at
the colorful produce, the beautiful baked goods,
and the artistic display of fish and seafood.

I was pleased that the store was not crowded
and almost every single person was wearing a face mask.
So I stocked up on necessary supplies.

This is how I felt when we went to the store a week ago...

While I was there, I chatted with three friends
that would still like a face mask.

So, when I got home I promptly
finished this batch, and cut some more.
As long as there is a need, I will keep sewing.

Remember, I am not charging for the masks,
but I do accept donations.

I have accepted crafting supplies, Lysol wipes,
generous cash donations, and baked goods.

Hubby and I went out this afternoon to 
drop off his finished paperwork at the office.

We stopped by to leave a mask with these good friends.
Notice we visited at a safe distance.

We both hope you are all staying safe and well.

Take care,
p.s. Leave a message if you would like one of my masks.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Blessings ~Here’s my Report ~Where the Week Went

This year was a different holiday, indeed.
I enjoyed seeing your on-line photos
of children all dressed up,
your colored eggs,
and your Easter Baskets.

Hubby and I also dyed a dozen hard cooked eggs.

Look who else dyed Easter Eggs.
Papa and Gigi enjoyed these photos.
Jack’s Aunt Emily and Uncle Jake
made their own batch, too.

A Good Friday Blessing was our weekly
Happy Hour FaceTime Chat with these Friday Night Friends.

This is not a blessing.
I think we have had a dusting of snow
three different times this week.

However, it is a blessing to see the sunshine
come out and melt that snow on the ground.

Last week I reported on my Mask Making project...
making them for our family and friends.
I had several folks comment and send messages,
so I took the week off from Spring Cleaning
and spent my time in my Sewing Studio.

If you are still in need, please let me know.
I have about a dozen left.
Plus, I’d be happy to make more.

While I am measuring, cutting, pinning, sewing, and pressing,
Hubby is here in his “work-from-home” office.
This is where he spends most of his day.

Helper Cat splits her time between us.
However, I think she finds checking his emails is rather boring.

So, My Easter Report...
The Bunny visited our house, twice!
We found two slices of Lemon Meringue Pie
in a box on our Front Porch.
(Thank you, Charlotte and Chuck.)

While I was preparing dinner, Hubby answered
the doorbell to receive this
Cheerful Easter Chick gift bag.

Inside that bag, two sweet handmade cards
and colorful Easter Eggs...

And inside those colorful Easter Eggs,
we found sweet Chocolate Candy.

These handsome young men were responsible
for that kind gesture.
How did they know that we’d missing our young family?

 Maybe because they were missing their own
Grandparents on this special Holiday Sunday.

Sending virtual hugs your way.
(Thank you Parents, Brittany and Ken)

This is a tough time for so many people.

Whether you are getting rain, sleet, or snow,
the sun will come out.

We will get back to our familiar routines
of school, work, and daily activities.

Stay safe and well, everyone.
Take care,

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Stitching on Sunday ~Face Masks #COVID-19 #FlattentheCurve #StoptheSpread

Like many of you, Helper Cat and I have been
spending time in my Sewing Studio making Face Masks.

We started last weekend. For our first batch,
we used the pattern from the Avera St. Lukes website.

This mask is shaped to fit your face,

And it is reversible, so it is easier to remember
which side should be worn next to your face.

I was so pleased to see this photo.
Our friends had sent a few of my masks to their
daughter who is a physician working  in Florida.
I’m glad she received them quickly
and will make good use of them.

Now, with the CDC recommendations for everyone
to wear a mask when going out and about,
our daughter used this pattern to sew some today.
I like this idea of sewing a pipe cleaner over
the nose area to create a closer fit.

Since elastic is now in short supply,
she used a shoe lace for ties.

Good work, Emily.
They look great on you and your hubby.

This weekend, I finished my second batch.
This one is the flat mask with pleats.
Which style of mask do you like the best?

Please leave a comment if you are in need of a mask.
I am planning to cut more out tomorrow.

Stay safe and well, everyone.

Take care,

Labor Day ~Unofficial End to Summer ~Hello College Football ~Road Trip ~The Cats ~What’s on the Worktable

Where did the Summer go? We kicked off Labor Day Weekend with the start of College Football Season. We watched our Bison from home. Hubby pr...