Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Pets Make your House a Home ~Meet our New Fur Babies

It’s been a month since we said goodbye to our Sweet Lizzie.
It’s been a week since we invited these kittens
into our home and into our hearts.

We knew Lizzie wouldn’t want us to be alone for long,
So we visited our Local Humane Society a couple of times…
Just in case there was a cat that would choose us to be their humans.

This little Calico is Gracie.
Hubby and I have had six feline friends over our 42 years of marriage.
Not all at once, of course. Half of those have been Calicos.
They were faithful friends.

This little Tortie is Mazzie.
We certainly are fond of the Tortoiseshell cat’s demeanor.
They are sassy and vocal, but also lovable and loyal.

It is kitten Season.
There are over 100 cats and kittens at our Humane Society.
In the beginning, we went out just to pet the cats
and get a much needed “Kitty Fix”

A Shout-Out to Manager, Elaine.
She is plenty busy with the Pets and Potential Pet Owners.
However, she was listening to our comments as
we went in and out of the five cat rooms.

She knew we were considering two cats,
 who are siblings, who actually like each other.

They have made themselves at home
without hissing or growling.

Since we retired, we are home the majority of the time,
however, when we travel, we wanted cats
who would be there for each other.

I guess they took care of those concerns the very first day.

Thank you, Elaine and The Humane Society.
These sisters are a perfect match for us.
Gracie and Mazzie have made our House a Home again.

Take care,

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