Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday’s Report ~Family Birthdays ~Celebrating from a Distance

When you realize that the Birthday Balloon..

You all know we spent Christmas with our family.
When we left for home, we set a Birthday Bag
in their guest room closet for our grandson,
as he has the first Family Birthday in the Calendar Year.
He was born in January.

In our immediate family,
we celebrate five Birthdays in the first three months!

When it’s your First Birthday, it’s all about the cake.
Usually that’s the first sweets that a baby experiences.
Henry was not disappointed.

His parents celebrated their special days a few weeks later.
Their birthdays are less than a week apart, in February.
Their family celebrated with a weekend trip into Philadelphia.
(Photo credits to the their three year old first born)

Next up, our youngest daughter.
This is her birthday celebration in March 2020.
Hopefully, this year, we can wish her Birthday Cheer
on a FaceTime Chat.

Then there’s this one…he will be four a week later.
Again, a FaceTime Birthday Celebration will  hold us
over until we see them later this spring.

I can’t wait to wrap my arms around him
again with a great big Gigi Birthday Hug from me!

Take care,

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Valentines Day 2022 ~Here’s My Report

Valentines Day was a typical day for these Retired Empty Nesters.
After my morning coffee, I finished cleaning the kitchen
and family room after our Super Bowl Watch Party.
Hubby ran an errand for his Mother.

Later, when house chores were finished,
We exchanged cards and gift bags
and enjoyed dinner at home.

In January, when the Christmas decorations came down,
they were replaced with Valentine Hearts.

Our Heart-shaped Crystal Candy dishes
take their position on the dining room table.

This year I discovered Dark Chocolate
Lava Cake Kisses.

These are fabulous…
You must find them and purchase a bag or two!

Second best…Peanut Butter M&Ms.
In February, you are allowed to eat a little chocolate every day.

This little Dolly watches over the Dining Room
to make sure I eat only one piece after dinner.

Thank goodness for FaceTime.
I enjoyed chatting with our daughters and grandsons.
When their Mama was preparing dinner,
I read this book to them…twice.
Jack was a good big brother, holding the book, turning pages,
and letting his little brother feel the textures on the bugs.

Here’s our Lizzie, proudly wearing her new Valentine Bandana.

Hubby brought fresh cut flowers, a bright spot in the kitchen.

Do you exchange Valentine cards with family?
Do you go for the silly or the sweet?

In my gift bag, I was delighted to find these ramekin bowls.
They are so cute, I just had to use them for our appetizers.

My hubby knows me well.
I find delight in the simple little things.

Valentines Day requires something special
for your sweet tooth…Red Velvet Cheesecakes.

I hope you enjoyed Valentines Day with
some of your favorite people.

Take care,

P.S. I have been looking to re-home many items in our home,
and am pleased to report that the Pink Teddy Bear
is now loved by a darling four year old girl.
She named him Bobby
and he slept with her last night♥️

Monday, February 7, 2022

Monday Memories ~It was Nine Years Ago Today ~Saying Goodbye to my Mother ~Miss Me but Let Me Go

It has been nine years since I sat at my mother’s bedside,
said goodbye, and gave her permission
to go to her heavenly home.
Her faith was strong.

The nurse that was with her told me that she swiftly flew
with the angels right into the arms of her Savior.

I grew up in a family of three.
My Daddy was a hard-working farmer.
My Mother taught in a Country Schoolhouse,
but when they were married, she took on
the role of a full-time Farmer’s Wife.

She loved being surrounded by Extended Family.
Growing up in a Family with eight siblings,
her older sister, Enid, did most of the cooking,
my Mother did most of the cleaning.
Typical that she’s the one with the broom
when cleaning up after our Family Reunion in 1964.

Here it is…
It was such a wonderful weekend.
I was eight years old, so I have sweet memories
of family fun with aunts and uncles and cousins.

The fact that my mother grew up cleaning instead of in the kitchen,
explains why she  didn’t enjoy cooking.
I took over that kitchen responsibility when I was in High School,
preparing meals for the men that worked on the farm.

Fast forward about four decades.
She loved her role as Grammy to these girls,
and cherished time that she spent with family…
with her granddaughters, and nieces and nephews.

Of course she was always organized and prepared.
She had written her own obituary and planned her own funeral.
Those plans were in a special file box, along with this poem…
“Miss me but let Me Go”

Google image

Sweet Memories.
We loved you and we miss you.

Take care,

Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Happy Happy Birthday to our Dear Amy

Sending Birthday 🎂 Blessings to this
special young woman today.

Best Wishes for a Wonderful day.
Love you ♥️ ~Mom

Stay safe, stay warm, stay well, Everyone.
Take care,

Labor Day ~Unofficial End to Summer ~Hello College Football ~Road Trip ~The Cats ~What’s on the Worktable

Where did the Summer go? We kicked off Labor Day Weekend with the start of College Football Season. We watched our Bison from home. Hubby pr...