Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Spring Break Road Trip ~Days Five and Six ~Morning Walks ~Everyday Errands ~Family Time is Priceless

It was beautiful Spring Weather in Georgia, so we enjoyed
going for walks in the neighborhood. This swing is a great spot to
sit a bit and soak up the warm sunshine.

Here’s the playground that they frequent
when their nephews come to visit. 

It was peak season for the blossoming trees.
It was a beautiful walk…
along with good Mother/Daughter conversation.

When one has a new house, it’s always fun to shop for those
little things that make a house your home.
Emily and I both agreed that this was the
largest JoAnn Store that we had ever visited…
We spent quite a bit of time browsing.

Lowes was equally satisfying as we found
so many things for their outdoor living space…

…including a grill, that we hauled home and assembled.
Here’s Hubby with his two Sons-in-Law.
He has always loved being a Girl Dad,
and now also really enjoys
the company of their husbands.

Spending Time with Family truly is Priceless.

Take care,

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Spring Break Road Trip ~Days Four and Five ~Double the Excitement

The purchase of one’s first home is certainly
an exciting time in a couple’s life.
Expecting one’s first baby makes this time
extra..extra special.

This Papa and Gigi were so happy to share in their excitement,
lending a helping hand to a few of the projects around the house.

Of course, it wasn’t all work and no play.
The Cotton Mill Plaza is the place to be on Saturday Nights.
We listened to live music…

…And enjoyed some adult beverages.

Spending time with family was the best time of the evening.

Great conversation, tasty beverages, and good tunes,

Makes everyone happy!

Back to the house for a few
bedtime snacks and some rest.

We are Blessed…
Blessings many times over!

Take care,

Friday, March 25, 2022

Spring Break Road Trip ~Days Three and Four ~Reaching our Final Destination ~Time Spent with Family is Priceless

We said goodbye to St. Louis…

…and to the Gateway Arch.

We spent the night in Evansville, Indiana.
Again, Hubby and I start our travel day with
a Diet Coke on Ice for him and a Coffee for me.
Starbucks is always a special treat!

“Over the River”
The Ohio River to be exact…

…and Through the Traffic.
Nashville to be exact.

And here’s where traffic got heavy,
the worst was through Chattanooga and continued
all the way toward Atlanta.

And then, “Welcome to Georgia”

It was dusk when we arrived.
Our daughter and hubby came out on their porch to greet us.

We enjoyed a tour of their new home and dinner together.

I’ve often said that visiting our adult children in their home
is my favorite thing to do.

We are Blessed.

Take care,

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~Goin’ on a Road Trip ~Day One and Two ~Gateway Arch was the Highlight

Spring Break Week is a good time to go on a Road Trip,
especially if there’s snow on the ground at home.
We made plans to travel to someplace warm.

Lizzie and Great Grandma enjoy each other’s company
when we are away from home, so we pack all of her necessary belongings
and get her settled in at GMa’s house.

We started out early the next morning.
First stop, Hubby needs his Diet Coke with Ice
and I ordered a Coffee.

Our main mission was to get
as far down the road as possible. 
Our only stop was in Sioux City for lunch.
Can you guess where we ate?

After an 11 hour travel day, we landed in Independence, MO.
A comfy bed, a little WiFi, a shower,
and Continental Breakfast fulfilled all of our needs.

The Gateway Arch.
We had not been here, and it was quite impressive.
It is a family friendly place to stop while traveling.

There are tours of the Historical Courthouse…

…And nearby Cathedral.

One can purchase tickets to ride a tram up
inside the Arch and look out the windows
at the top for a spectacular view. 

It was a warm, breezy day.
We enjoyed our time there, but needed
to have a little lunch and get moving again.

We were only about halfway
to our final destination.

Take care,

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Happy Happy Birthday to this Special Boy Who Turns Four Today ~First Day of Spring

Our Grandson was on top of the world today.
It was his birthday and he is now four.

Here he is, the day he came into the world and
Hubby and I became Papa and Gigi.

He celebrated his first birthday across the ocean.
This was his first taste of cake,
and it looks like his daddy is wearing some too.

His family moved stateside shortly before his second birthday.
I had the privilege of spending three weeks caring for him
when his parents were training for their new jobs.

Such a happy boy after his nap.

And then the pandemic happened…
we could not be together for his
birthday celebration that year.

When you turn three,
you can have ice cream for lunch…

…and cake for dinner.

This is the year that Jack took on
the role of Big Brother.

And now he’s four years old…
Loving preschool and playing with his friends.
The children participated in Zoom School
activities over the holidays.

He had a “Big Boy” Birthday Party
at the Bowling Alley this year.

Party Guests of all ages love Pizza…

…and Birthday Cake for a sweet ending.

We enjoyed celebrating with you on FaceTime and
look forward to giving you a Big Birthday Hug in person…soon!

We hope you had a Great Day!
Love, Papa and Gigi

Happy Spring, Everyone.

Take care,

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saturday’s Work ~Remembering the Days Before Cell Phones ~Weekend Chat with my Mother

My Mother and I chatted on the phone nearly every Saturday.
I had the high-tech cordless phone.

My Mother had a desk phone.
Long distance rates were less expensive on Saturdays,
so we could take more time to chat about the week.

Never fail, she would always say
“I suppose you’re doing your Saturday’s Work?”
My answer was sometimes, yes…

But sometimes we were out of town, 
following our busy daughters
around to their activities,
and couldn’t answer our phone.

And today…
My Saturday’s work, was not work at all!

Stay tuned…

Take care,

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Happy Happy Birthday to Emily

Sending Birthday Wishes across the miles
to our Darling Daughter, Emily.

You have always brought sunshine wherever you go.
You made our family of four complete.

We are looking forward to our visit
to celebrate You, Your Birthday, and Your new Home.

Cheers for a Special Day!
Much love,
Dad and Mom

Labor Day ~Unofficial End to Summer ~Hello College Football ~Road Trip ~The Cats ~What’s on the Worktable

Where did the Summer go? We kicked off Labor Day Weekend with the start of College Football Season. We watched our Bison from home. Hubby pr...