Sunday, July 31, 2022

Summer Celebrations ~Retirement Anniversary ~Wedding Anniversary ~Flag Day ~Grandma’s Birthday ~Blog Birthday ~My Birthday ~Thank You Everyone

Today, the last day of July.
I reflect back on where the summer has gone.
We kicked off our Summer Celebrations with the One-Year
Anniversary of Hubby’s Retirement.
He now understands why I’m always not sure
what day of the week it is?!

Next June Celebration, our Anniversary.
This year was our 41st, and only the second time
we have not celebrated together.

Remember, I was here, celebrating with these two lovebugs!

When I got home, we enjoyed an anniversary trip into 
the cities with our good friends.

Their anniversary is two days later than ours,
and for years, we have celebrated together.

Next June event was Flag Day.
This year, Jack was all-about the ‘Mercican Flag.
They had talked about it in Preschool.
Zoom in on his face…he’s so excited that
his parents are getting the flag up on their front porch,
without setting up the ladder!

My Grandmother was born on Flag Day.
She was quite proud to share
that June 14th date with our country’s flag.

Therefore, it was quite fitting that I created this blog
on her birthday, in 2008. That’s right,
it was also my blog’s birthday. She’s 14.
This is a my very first post from June 14, 2008.
I guess it was Blog’s Golden Birthday?!

Up next, my birthday.
Last year our whole family was together.
It was a big birthday for me.
My Medicare Birthday!

Every year is a Blessing when you are a Senior.
I want to thank all our family and friends who sent good wishes
on our Anniversary and on my Birthday.

We appreciate each and every one of you.

Stop back soon for the Biggest and Best
Celebration of the Summer.

Take care,

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Four Generations ~Photo Shoot ~How Many Takes are Necessary to Get a Good One?

We enjoyed having family together for dinner.
Everyone likes Pasta with Marinara Sauce.
In addition to having us all together,
I really wanted to take a four generation photo.

Maybe you remember this one,
when Jack was just four months old.

And then, last year…this is our best photo?
It was Henry’s first time meeting Great Grandma.
The boys are not looking…and there is no Papa on this photo.
That is a whole generation missing from our photo…
No Four Generation Photo last year.

So this year I was determined to get a four generation photo.
After all, not everyone has that opportunity.
My own Mother loved babies and would have loved
to hold her Great Grandchildren.

After dinner, we moved outside to the patio,
the same setting of that photo, four years ago.

This photo is good of Great Grandma…

And this one,
Papa, stop talking…
Henry, put your hand down.

And this one,
Jack, look at the Camara.

Finally, this one might be the best.

Hubby’s sister had to work late.
We saved a plate for her.
She missed the whole photo shoot,
but got to spend some precious time with family.

Celebrate your Blessings.

Take care,

Sunday, July 24, 2022

When Family Comes to Visit ~More Hometown Hot Spots ~Twist Cone ~The Aquatics Center

No one comes “home” to visit without a trip to the Twist Cone.

It is one of our most famous Landmarks,
and they put Candy Eyes ๐Ÿ‘€ on their Baby Cones.

It was Henry’s first time to indulge in this Twist Cone Treat.

When you are used to eating ice cream from a bowl
with a spoon, you need a little help.

Along with Storybook Land and Twist Cone,
another favorite outing was our Aquatics Center.

“This place is cool”

“What are we waiting for??”
This is when I put my phone/camera
in my bag and got in the water.
So no action shots.

We had to give that Twist Cone another try.
We met our friend, Kari,
who was in town for a couple of appointments .

“Why is there ice cream dripping off my elbow?”

Kari’s travel companion seems to get the hang of
eating ice cream without a mess.

“Maybe if I drink it?”

“Someone pass me a napkin, please”

I think by next summer he may be a pro at this.

It was another hot day and we needed to show Papa
how much fun we had at the Aquatics Center.
Again, camera was safe and dry in my bag, 
so no photos of us in our swim suits.

Henry and Gigi are ready to go home and
finish preparing our dinner. We worked up an appetite.

Enjoy the simple pleasures!

Take care,

Friday, July 22, 2022

When Great Grandma has a Birthday ~You Celebrate all Week ~First, a Trip to Storybook Land ~Family Dinner at Home ~And a Breakfast Out with more Family


Storybook Land is fun for all ages, from our Grandson

who is 18 months, to Great Grandma who is now 93.

We picked her up and surprised her with a trip 
out to Wylie Park and Storybook Land.

“Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow the Yellow Brick Road”
It’s not a long walk to the Train Depot.

Great Grandma was simply delighted to ride
the Storybook Land Exprress.

You can see the entire park and the Zoo during the trip,
while enjoying a ride, along with informational commentary
about the Storybook Land attractions.

While we were gallivanting around the park,
dinner preparations were under control at home.

Tip of the Day:
When making individual cheesecakes or frozen desserts,
use a cookie for the crust,
like an Oreo for Chocolate Cheesecake Crust.
Use Vanilla Wafers for a Lemon Dessert.

And who knew there were Dark Chocolate Oreos?!

A few simple ingredients for the Chocolate Cheesecake.
Since it was 90some degrees I did not want to turn on the oven.

Here’s another Tip of the Day…
use the wrapper, whether it is cream cheese
or the butter wrapper as your spoon rest.

With the No-bake Cheesecakes in the Refrigerator,
the pork roast was in the crockpot with these ingredients.

The table was set and the serving platters were in place.

When we got home, while waiting for Hubby’s Sister to get off work,
we noshed on these appetizers. Watermelon Caprese Bites.

Birthday Dinner was a simple weeknight meal.

Pulled Pork Sandwiches are perhaps Great Grandma’s favorite meal 
when she goes out to eat.

Naturally, you need to serve Coleslaw with those.

Hubby made the Potato Wedges out on the Grill.

After we ate, there were gifts.
Of course, everything was a consumable item.
As “Seniors” none of us need more stuff!

We sang Happy Birthday and
brought out the Chocolate Cheesecakes.

There’s more…

Niece Nancy has always called my MIL on her Birthday.
This year she was in town to visit other family,
so we all met for breakfast.

We enjoyed our time together.
It was a good finale to Great Grandma’s Birthday.

These recipes are all on my Pinterest Page.
If you would like the links, I’d be happy to send them to you.

Take care,

Labor Day ~Unofficial End to Summer ~Hello College Football ~Road Trip ~The Cats ~What’s on the Worktable

Where did the Summer go? We kicked off Labor Day Weekend with the start of College Football Season. We watched our Bison from home. Hubby pr...