Friday, September 29, 2023

Our Autumn Adventure ~Road Trip Report ~Four Days ~Nine States ~1800 Miles ~Ending with the Best Hug Ever

These Retired Empty Nesters arrived at their destination
after four days in the vehicle.

After we left the beautiful state of Wisconsin
we made good time.

We stop for lunch and spend some time out of the vehicle
to stretch and get some steps.

This entry in Hubby’s quest to find the Best Burger
is a slight variation, a Steak Sandwich, with Sautéed Mushrooms,
Caramelized Onions, and Swiss Cheese.

This is a familiar sight when traveling east.

While on the Turnpike, we take advantage of the opportunity to stop
at a Roadside Oasis, just to get out of the vehicle…

…and appreciate the pretty landscaping.

Otherwise, our scenery in every state looks the same…
…trees, trees, and more trees.

Hubby’s absolute favorite sandwich is the Monte Cristo,
so when that is on the menu, there’s no burger comparison for lunch.

Here’s a Two-for-One Bridge photo…
Over the Hudson River.

And finally, we arrived at the AirBnB,
greeted with hugs from this little sweetheart.
That made the long trip so worth it.

It’s going to be a wonderful week.

Take care,

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