Sunday, November 19, 2023

Winterfest 2023 ~Day One Report ~Day Two TODAY, Sunday 10 to 4 ~See you Soon

The doors open early for Vendors to finish their set-up.
I just added a few bottles to display my Gnomes.

Vendors light their own booth, and this fixture needed to be replaced.
Hubby’s good friend was there to help out.
Thank you, Brum.

Check this out…they were Twinning,
And didn’t even plan it!

Brum was all set up in his booth across the way.
He is Hubby’s Wood-Turning Mentor and responsible
 for getting him hooked on the hobby.

Be sure to look for his booth.
His bowls are absolutely beautiful,
and I like his Christmas Tree Charcuterie Boards.

Here’s my friend Meredith with her 1918 Dirt Road Decor.
You must visit her booth for awesome seasonal items.

She and I became friends while teaching together at CHS.

This is Hettinger’s Creekside Creations.
Ross and Tara certainly stay busy creating along with
teaching and parenting a young family.

It was College Game Day, so Ross and I
showed off support for our Bison and Jackrabbits.
A Big Rivalry, for sure.
Both of our teams won yesterday, so a good day for both Dakotas.

Here’s Kelly and the Dakota Carding & Wool Co.
I’ve always admired her work. 

Around the corner from us, Quail Honey from Brandt, SD.
Stop by for a sample and make purchase.

The Calla English Toffee is so festive.
I’m going to visit their booth today, as I need a few Christmas Gifts.
Look… their boxes are so pretty, all decorated for the Holiday.

I couldn’t walk past Santa and Mrs. Claus without saying Hello.
They have traveled from Bushnell, SD for decades
with their Dakota Stoneware.

That was only a fraction of all the vendors at Winterfest.
Stop by today for some lunch or maybe a piece of Cheesecake.

Listen to some Christmas Music.

And get a jumpstart on your Holiday Shopping.
Shop Local…Buy Handmade…
There’s something for Everyone.

Take care,

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